Tweets to Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak's avatar
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Joel B. Pollak
Santa Monica, CA
Writer, Lawyer, Husband, Dad, Conservative. Breitbart News, host @BreitbartNews Sunday @SiriusXmPatriot 7-10 pm ET. Opinions my own. Drive safely. 1 Kings 20:11
Tweets to this user:
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
2020 Democrat Candidates Unhappy with 'Reckless' Strike Eliminating Soleimani
Chrissi's avatar
From @WrigleyDoo
@joelpollak So I guess these peeps are upset that Bin Laden was taken out under Obama.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ironically, Pollak agrees with the Dems on our top domestic issue. As soon as Trump (openly) pushed amnesty, so too did Joel. MT @WrigleyDoo MT @joelpollak 2020 Democrat Candidates Unhappy with 'Reckless' Strike Eliminating Soleimani
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Two scoops, and don’t you forget it
Ralf's avatar
From @RowIngrf
@joelpollak @StarCoreOne02 Well done Mr Trump Nice ️
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RowIngrf: obviously you don't get who @joelpollak is targeting with his "two scoops" tweet. Imagine the dimmest, most nekulturnie Germans possible. He's targeting yahoos. Here & there, they aren't the salt of the earth.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Tried to warn you... of course, you could solve this problem if Pelosi would hand over the articles of impeachment.…
MultKult's avatar
From @SMM_lumani
@joelpollak In the 2 weeks since the impeachment, we have 3 blockbuster stories that further implicate Trump in the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SMM_lumani: if I tried to sell you a comb it wouldn't work, right? @joelpollak isn't vulnerable to his audience over things you care about, only over things *they* care about. So, if you want to undercut him *to his audience*, point out to them that he's a big amnesty fan.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Michael Moore Predicts Trump Victory in 2020 — Support ‘Has Not Gone Down One Inch’ via @BreitbartNews
Michael Moore's avatar
From @mbracemoore
@joelpollak @BreitbartNews This Michael Moore agrees
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mbracemoore: shortly after Trump hyped amnesty, so too did @joelpollak. Joel just wanted Trump to sell out the USA for a good price. Breitbart has also repeatedly pushed the Goodlatte amnesty as "patriotic". And, they've never given Trump good anti-amnesty arguments.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Report: Democrats Drop ‘Bribery,’ Mueller Report from Articles of Impeachment via @BreitbartNews
Gaven MacLeod's avatar
From @crustysails
@joelpollak @BreitbartNews They are leaving an acticle available incase Trump commits some light #TRE45ON with Lavrov tomorrow.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@crustysails: Breitbart & @joelpollak get away with it because their opponents only make arguments that their supporters don't care about. Instead, point out to Breitbart/Pollak fans how pro-amnesty they are. The BB audience hates amnesty, but they've repeatedly pushed it.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Trump let some Obama appointees stay on. No good deed unpunished.
Jason Hornbuckle's avatar
From @JasonHornbuckle
@joelpollak Trump did that because there weren't enough pro-Trump GOPers to staff a McDonalds
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JasonHornbuckle: not only that, Trump, @joelpollak, & Breitbart are now pushing Obama's unpatriotic plan to legalize millions of DREAMers. They're as bad as he was. The patriotic alternative is a repatriations; pointing that out might be one of the reasons Breitbart banned me.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
I get that Michael Bloomberg has zero confidence in the rest of the 2020 Democratic presidential field ... but Alab…
Old Rant Dump's avatar
From @TrumpinTheShark
@joelpollak Do your research. It's the state with the first hard presidential primary filing deadline - and that de…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrumpinTheShark: despite his posturing, Trump's a big amnesty fan. As soon as he openly came out for amnesty, @joelpollak came out for it too. Both are extremely vulnerable on amnesty. How about using amnesty against both of them?
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Steyer’s quid pro quo
Jeremy Frankel's avatar
From @FrankelJeremy
@joelpollak Is this even remotely legal
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FrankelJeremy: hey Jeremy, @joelpollak is a big amnesty fan. Are you a big amnesty fan too?
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Joe Biden to Trump: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’ via @BreitbartNews
Joseph for Trump2020🇺🇸's avatar
From @nessimyouseph
@joelpollak @BreitbartNews Of course not! He is stuck behind Elizabeth Warren ! Lol
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nessimyouseph: FYI, as soon as Trump openly came out for amnesty, @joelpollak came out for amnesty too. In 16 years of posts & 11 years of tweets, I've *never* supported amnesty. Pollak has zero integrity and no real beliefs.
Scott Adams's avatar
From @ScottAdamsSays
Punchy De Niro is the face of the resistance. Unfortunately, he can’t seem to articulate why Trump must be stopped.…
HudyLeib's avatar
From @LeibHudy
@ScottAdamsSays @joelpollak Why do we care what ANY "celebrity" says?
Shannon🌊🌊🌊's avatar
From @ShannonSL_
@LeibHudy @ScottAdamsSays @joelpollak Donald is a reality star.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ShannonSL_: #MAGA hates amnesty. Both @ScottAdamsSays & @joelpollak are big amnesty fans. Why isn't #TheResistance using that to undercut them to MAGA?
