Tweets to Nell Scovell

Nell Scovell's avatar
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Nell Scovell
Crazytown, USA
Laugh influencer "Just the Funny Parts"
Tweets to this user:
Nicholas Kristof's avatar
From @NickKristof
Pres Trump is running for reelection on an economy that he claims is "the best." Yes, it's strong, but he neglects…
Ray Phillips's avatar
From @RayPhillips207
@NickKristof All real evidence to the contrary, his base believes he has their best interests at heart. Nothing cou…
Nicholas Kristof's avatar
From @NickKristof
My column also has an update on U.S. Bank's firing of two employees who were fired for using $20 of their own money…
Nicholas Kristof's avatar
From @NickKristof
I'm glad that the bank decided, after its cruelty was highlighted and its CEO criticized, that "this is not who we…
Nell Scovell's avatar
From @NellSco
@NickKristof Sometimes it takes public shaming to get people to do the right thing. Someone wise taught me that. Oh, wait, it was you!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NellSco: hi Nell. @NickKristof says he wants "stronger private sector unions", yet the immigration policies he's paid to push greatly hurt unions. Big Biz has used mass/illegal immigration for decades to bust unions+lower wages. Kristof is on the side of Big Biz, not workers.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RayPhillips207: as a supposed ex-scientist, you should realize @NickKristof is trying to deceive by blaming 3 years of Trump for decades of the NeoLiberal policies he's paid to push. He's exactly like Gateway Pundit's graphic showing nat'l debt exploding when Obama took over.