Tweets to Matt Cohen

Matt Cohen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Matt Cohen
Washington, D.C.
Editorial fellow at @MotherJones. Past: @wcp and @DCist. Collector of records, consumer of soup, admirer of plants. He/Him. Tips, etc.:
Tweets to this user:
Don Greenwood πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦'s avatar
From @green4don
@Matt_D_Cohen @DavidCornDC This article is biting and pointed and eviscerates some of the guilty from W's Iraq war.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@green4don: nothing @Matt_D_Cohen whines about Trump will have any impact until he addresses the 500 ton elephant in the room: he pushes anti-American NeoLiberal policies (free trade/globalism/loose borders) that most Americans rightly oppose. He's very pro-Big Biz.
Matt Cohen's avatar
From @Matt_D_Cohen
Don't listen to the Iraq war hawks. From me and @DavidCornDC:
careful I’m prickly today's avatar
From @LauraBeeden
@Matt_D_Cohen @DavidCornDC Remember the names in this article.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Most NeoCons tend to be NeoLiberals (loose borders/free trade/globalism). The 2nd is where they're actually weak. Cohen is too corrupt to exploit their actual vulnerability. MT @LauraBeeden MT @Matt_D_Cohen [re Iran, blogs list of Iraq "war hawks" he says shouldn't be trusted]