Tweets to David R. Novak

David R. Novak's avatar
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David R. Novak
Explaining #communication ๐Ÿ’ฏ different ways, simply. I also manage #technology research @Deloitte. Militant pragmatist. Part mad scientist. PhD. Views mine.
Tweets to this user:
Darren Linvill's avatar
From @DarrenLinvill
Here at Clemson, @plwarre and I have spent a couple years learning about state sponsored disinformation. Just publiโ€ฆ
David R. Novak's avatar
From @davidrnovak
@DarrenLinvill @plwarre @AndyKroll @ScottShaneNYT Outstanding piece Darren! Love the style and the narrative. Congrats!
Congrats to Diabeetus Guy for Super Bowl win's avatar
From @Ron_West_52
@DarrenLinvill @plwarre @AndyKroll @ScottShaneNYT The article is sobering. Is there a way to tell if trolls createโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Ron_West_52: those like @DarrenLinvill would have as much censorship here as there is in RU. That would suit Putin just fine: he wants more U.S. censorship to show our system doesn't work. 99% chance Darren Linvill isn't in on that, he just isn't smart enough to realize it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@davidrnovak: smearing someone as a bot/troll/etc is a very old trick practiced by dictatorships around the world. @DarrenLinvill wants to bring that here. Darren Linvill serves Putin's interests: Putin wants more U.S. censorship to show our system doesn't work. #Clemson