Tweets to BirdDog

BirdDog's avatar
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Tennessee, USA
A journalistic experiment to identify and understand the issues transforming communities and lives across Tennessee. By @hollyfletcher Go live: March 21, 2018
Tweets to this user:
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
This story, just published, is one that was I referencing in the tweet: “I pitched it, and no one wanted the stor…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
Journalists who have left or been laid off from local newsrooms are creating new, one-man-band outlets to keep repo…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
.@adamwren covers Indiana's national delegation backwards and forwards, with events in Indianapolis too: "Each tim…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
.@JackCraver meets his city hall newsletter subscribers in person: Austin Politics is one of his babies; the other…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
"To be frank, it’s exhausting. I only do it because it’s so important." @shayshinecastle reports on the local poli…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
.@tonymecia hit the ground running in his coverage of Charlotte business news after leaving the Weekly Standard: "…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
And @hollyfletcher reminds us of reality w/her work at @readbirddog: "You really have to work backwards, and say if…
Christine Schmidt's avatar
From @NewsbySchmidt
Local newsletters are an option, but not the answer. "As happy and proud I am to offer what I think is a valuable p…
Corrales Cachola's avatar
From @corycachola
@NewsbySchmidt @JackCraver The journalists interviewed in the piece don't seem to know the basics of email marketin…
Jack Craver's avatar
From @JackCraver
@corycachola @NewsbySchmidt The model is working for me, Carlos. After 9 months it's a decent part time job and I h…
Corrales Cachola's avatar
From @corycachola
@JackCraver @NewsbySchmidt That's grt. Silo mentality, meaning too many build their emails in predictable ways to a…
Jack Craver's avatar
From @JackCraver
@corycachola @NewsbySchmidt Hmm...What would their other offerings be?
Corrales Cachola's avatar
From @corycachola
@JackCraver @NewsbySchmidt Anything that continues to add value for subscribers over time. That is the only way to…
Jack Craver's avatar
From @JackCraver
@corycachola @NewsbySchmidt I get the sense we're talking about different types of products. My goal is to provide…
Jack Craver's avatar
From @JackCraver
@corycachola @NewsbySchmidt Are you talking more about people who are doing news curations and aren't charging for content?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JackCraver: many years ago, there were only a few sources for news: a very small number of outlets controlled what information people got. Now, those like @NewsbySchmidt are trying to bring back the bad old days of a small number of major corporations controlling the news.