Tweets to Marsha Heuberger

Marsha Heuberger's avatar
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Marsha Heuberger
Chef, Golfer (better at cooking than golf but still love to play.) MAGA fan - recovering democrat.
Tweets to this user:
Marsha Heuberger's avatar
From @HeubergerMarsha
@marklevinshow Republicans dont have the stones tp do this. So disappointed in the way they are not fighting back.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If you're right, isn't Levin just posturing then? If he wanted to help his idol & the USA, he'd wean Trump off only ever just doing shtick for MAGA MT @HeubergerMarsha Republicans dont have the stones tp do this MT @marklevinshow [there should be a roll call vote on impeachment]