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I strive to be a caring, thoughtful and genuine human being! SMART Recovery Facilitator #MAGA2020 Thanks for the follow!
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Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Voters: WE WANT WHEELS! Dems: WHEELS DON'T WORK! Trump admin: Instead of wheels, we're giving you SLEDS, LIGHTS, "TECHNOLOGY"!
Annette G. H. 💎's avatar
From @AnnetteGH86
@AnnCoulter Whatever Nancy wants...
Kar's avatar
From @maggiemae2003
@AnnCoulter He struggled to get the wall built! I'm sure future upgrades would play out the same way. Its better t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnnetteGH86: @AnnCoulter thinks Trump's "wall" would be "forever". However, Congress will always oppose it & so will the next president. That means that the "wall" will be neglected/demolished when Trump's out of office. Coulter can't figure that out or is selling a lie.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The "wall" isn't built & little will be. No other elected leaders will push for the "wall". Ergo: when Trump's out of office, bye bye "wall". Trump & Coulter keep you from dong smart anti-illegal immigration things. MT @maggiemae2003: [Trump] struggled to get the wall built!