Tweets to Josh Billinson

Josh Billinson's avatar
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Josh Billinson
New York, NY
Currently a New Yorker, forever a miserable DC Sports fan | Social Media Strategist @BuzzFeedNews |
Tweets to this user:
Josh Billinson's avatar
From @jbillinson
Thinking about the time Mark Wahlberg told Men's Journal he could have stopped 9/11
Chad Readapted's avatar
From @Futureboy2K
@jbillinson @swin24 He couldnโ€™t even stop Ted 2.
Evan Donovan's avatar
From @EvanDonovan
@Futureboy2K @jbillinson @swin24 Savage
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Those like you are part of the reason why Trump won & will be reelected. You being worthless parasites aside, do we know all the major relevant facts about 9/11? MT @EvanDonovan [cutesy quip] MT @Futureboy2K [cutesy quip] MT jbillinson [cutesy quip about Mark Wahlberg & 9/11]
Josh Billinson's avatar
From @jbillinson
are our politics so bitterly partisan today that we canโ€™t all come together and agree on buying greenland
Mike Francis's avatar
From @elgordopoppy
@jbillinson @BillKristol Has the White House contacted Deutsche Bank about financing it yet?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@elgordopoppy @jbillinson: your beyond-hilarious jokes aside, Greenland is of strategic importance (just ask Russia and China). Did Josh mention that? Did Josh or anyone else mention that Trump's *helped* China by making their encroachment easier?