Tweets to SUBPOENA POWER ❄💪🏻✊🏻

SUBPOENA POWER ❄💪🏻✊🏻's avatar
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#StillWithHer #DemProud #NotMyPresident #TheResistance #WomensMarch #tRumpRussia #25thAmendmentNow #BlueWave2020 #Impeach45 #MeToo #AbortionisHealthcare
Tweets to this user:
Dan Rather's avatar
From @DanRather
How many great American stories started with people arriving in this country with little more than the clothes on t…
Michelle Campos's avatar
From @BonnieOdell12
Heidi's avatar
From @HeidiHugh8
@DanRather My experience (I see this in Canada too) is that educated and well-off immigrants are also deemed threat…
martyrabkin's avatar
From @martyrabkin
@DanRather Never forget this:
Lori's avatar
From @LoriSums
@DanRather @Sunnysgrl62 Work visas and a path to Citizenship like the U.S. did after WWII (where millions were acco…
Eugene Rosenquest's avatar
From @ERosenquest
@martyrabkin @DanRather Why then have any Customs Patrol or INS at all? Mid North America should just be an Open door to the Planet.
Daniel Bullman's avatar
From @INDaBullman
@ERosenquest @martyrabkin @DanRather Right? Customs doesn’t even do the job they are supposed to. Put them and the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It wouldn't take much to show you're supporting a Blut und Boden policy. Look that up, then resolve to really think things through. MT @BonnieOdell12 [responds to Dan Rather pushing loose borders with a chintzy Indian cartoon]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@INDaBullman @martyrabkin: Trump's horrific, but what's funny is you two are pushing the very pro-Big Biz loose borders line, while @ERosenquest is at least closer to a patriotic stance. You two are on the same side as the Koch bros & U.S. Chamber.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Yes, aside from the cost to U.S. workers. Who fed you your deceptive & un-American U.S. Chamber/Koch talking point? MT @LoriSums Work visas + path to Citizenship like the U.S. did after WWII (where millions were accommodated) would cost a hell of a lot less than a wall, ICE...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You're Harvard admissions. 2 equal applicants - 1 a citizen, 1 an illegal alien - apply for last slot. Who gets it? MT @HeidiHugh8 My experience (I see this in Canada too) is that educated and well-off immigrants are also deemed threats, for “stealing” jobs and college slots...