Tweets to Reliable Sources

Reliable Sources's avatar
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Reliable Sources
The story behind the story -- how news and pop culture get made. Sundays at 11am ET and online all the time! @BrianStelter is the host.
Tweets to this user:
Brian Stelter's avatar
From @brianstelter
Coming Thursday: Some of the country's best-known media companies, tech giants, and nonprofits are supporting a nat…
not_so_stealthy_yeti's avatar
From @unstealthy_yeti
@brianstelter @yashar @ReliableSources How about protect free speech for all which would include of the press?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@unstealthy_yeti: CNN believes in "free speech for me, but not for thee". You ever see @brianstelter opposing Oliver Darcy's quest to resuscitate Honecker?
Brian Stelter's avatar
From @brianstelter
Monday night's @ReliableSources is hot off the presses >>>
I won't "Get over it"'s avatar
From @Clare_L_Bradley
@brianstelter @ReliableSources So ... no comment on CNN's hiring of a conspiracy theorist, Sean Duffy, as a "contributor"? Disappointed.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
An obscure conspiracy theory is that Bush tried to push a rightwing coup. What do you think about that? MT @Clare_L_Bradley [to brianstelter] So ... no comment on CNN's hiring of a conspiracy theorist, Sean Duffy, as a "contributor"?
Brian Stelter's avatar
From @brianstelter
10:30pm ET – Monday evening's @ReliableSources is out – read it here:
Bobby Axelrod's avatar
From @RealDark_Kent
@brianstelter @ReliableSources Brian you remember this?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealDark_Kent: #CNN edited out the part of the Jean Carroll interview where she sounded even crazier than usual. Has @brianstelter - host of "reliable sources" - ever acknowledged what they did?