Tweets to Otis Driftwood

Otis Driftwood's avatar
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Otis Driftwood
Las Vegas
Traffic engineer (it's a mathematical science), father of 2, horror movie fan. #MAGA #KAG
Tweets to this user:
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
You were beaten by a 14 year old boys team.
#BRUCEHAWES's avatar
@AnnCoulter Looks like the 14 year old boys team are on the #USMenSoccerTeam now @AnnCoulter. Did they make it to t…
BookofChuck's avatar
From @bookof_chuck
@BRUCEHAWES @AnnCoulter I think your point would’ve been made if the boys went on to be a success. You’re pointing…
#BRUCEHAWES's avatar
@bookof_chuck @AnnCoulter That is my point. The #USWomensSoccerTeam are far more successful than the #USMensSoccerTeam
🦉Reuben Rivera🇺🇸✝️Q's avatar
From @Strongcode1
@AnnCoulter The US soccer team does not represent me.
Otis Driftwood's avatar
From @BrianKeeling9
@AnnCoulter I'm taking my 13 year old to soccer practice right now and I guarantee you his team could give this Wor…
Julie B's avatar
From @JulieResistor
@Strongcode1 @AnnCoulter Does the Russian soccer team suit you more comfortably Rueben? Maybe you could just ask th…
007whodat's avatar
From @007whodat
@AnnCoulter @Adjustedwell this entire Women's team shows the absolute negative impact soccer has on America. Nice…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnnCoulter was right in her 2014 screed: the NFL is a terrific example of American greatness! MT @007whodat this entire Women's team shows the absolute negative impact soccer has on America. Nice role model for our kids.... disgusting
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ironically, in the 2014 (Men's) World Cup, @AnnCoulter refused to side with Russia against Algeria. She was in Paris at the time. MT @JulieResistor [reply to @Strongcode1 who joined Coulter's crusade] Does the Russian soccer team suit you more comfortably Rueben?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Likewise, Trump would've shown those Cong what's what, if not for his bone spurs. MT @BrianKeeling9 [join's Coulter's crusade] I'm taking my 13 year old to soccer practice right now and I guarantee you his team could give this World Cup team a run for its money...
Josh Namm's avatar
From @JoshPNamm
@BRUCEHAWES @bookof_chuck @AnnCoulter Because our best male athletes elect to play sports instead of soccer...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It'd be hilarious to see someone you idolize - LeBron perhaps - against Messi or any other Euro pro. They'd score 90% of the time either by going around, nutmegging, or PKs. MT @JoshPNamm Because our best male athletes elect to play sports instead of soccer...