Tweets to Dustin Luca

Dustin Luca's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Dustin Luca
Derry, N.H.
Reporter covering the city of #SalemMA for @salemnews and firm believer that covering City Hall can be fun. Retweets β‰  endorsements.
Tweets to this user:
Christine Derby's avatar
From @Chrissyd413
When ya miss the city council meeting and wake up to check @DustinLucaSN tweets and feel caught up without even going. ‼️.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Chrissyd413: @DustinLucaSN hyped yet another creepy Google/Poynter effort, mediawise. Google is a spyware co that wants to worm into every aspect of every life & that pushes the disinfo site Wikipedia. Poynter published then unpublished a list of sites they want to censor.