Tweets to Hansi Lo Wang

Hansi Lo Wang's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Hansi Lo Wang
New York City
@NPR national correspondent reporting on the people, power & money behind the #2020Census | email: | signal: 917-397-2639 | 📷: B. McCabe | he/him
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hansilowang: given 23 & Me, aren't binary checkboxes passe? Shouldn't % mixes be taken into account? I mean, if it was good enough for Nazi Germany it should be good enough for today's SJWs, right? #MAGA #resist
Hansi Lo Wang's avatar
From @hansilowang
If you've seen the race question for the #2020census and wondered, "What about Latinx people?" this 🧵is for you...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Are there different Latinx breeds? Black in varying degrees, Indian in varying degrees, white in varying degrees, telenovela stars.... MT @hansilowang If you've seen the race question for the #2020census and wondered, "What about Latinx people?" this [checkbox] is for you...