Tweets to A timely, clever pun

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A timely, clever pun
Occupied Chumash Territory
Gearing up for big rebrand. Stay tuned.
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Gandalf's Staff ☠☢☣☭'s avatar
From @gandalfstaff
RT @FeralCherub: No. This kind of argument is made with the intent to obfuscate the meaning of Socialism. The political representatives o…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gandalfstaff @FeralCherub: RBReich is very, very pro-wealthy. The #immigration policy he pushes would help U.S. Chamber, Tyson Foods, WalMart, McDonald's, Koch, etc. etc. flood the USA with cheap foreign serf labor. Perhaps you need to return to that "in one country" thing.