Tweets to Jordan Sather

Jordan Sather's avatar
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Jordan Sather
I'm just here for the Awakening. Destroying the Illusion on YouTube: Producer: Above Majestic
Tweets to this user:
Matthew Prince 🌥's avatar
From @eastdakota
We just sent notice we are terminating service for 8chan. There comes a time when enough is enough. But this isn't…
Jordan Sather's avatar
From @Jordan_Sather_
@eastdakota You’re terminating service because of lies and fabricated false flag situations? BE SMARTER THAN THAT!
Scott Camp v. Idiocracy's avatar
From @scottytaco
@Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota If you can produce evidence that they are false flags then I'm sure everyone would like…
Moody Weather's avatar
From @Lextryagain
@scottytaco @Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota Give it a week before you say Is or Isnt. You know how this goes. They alwa…
Scott Camp v. Idiocracy's avatar
From @scottytaco
@Lextryagain @Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota Has any one of the dozens of mass shootings been credibly debunked by ANY…
Trump will end Social Security in 2021's avatar
From @ghost_of_roger
@scottytaco @Lextryagain @Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota This is the problem, these conspiracy theorists
Scott Camp v. Idiocracy's avatar
From @scottytaco
@ghost_of_roger @Lextryagain @Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota Yes. I'm just trying to find one of them who has more than…
Moody Weather's avatar
From @Lextryagain
@scottytaco @ghost_of_roger @Jordan_Sather_ @eastdakota Both sides need to do better to call out this shit. By do b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Have you ever considered comparing what people like you support to 1984, or do you support burning that first? MT @ghost_of_roger [to a "false flag" guy re lil' Honecker @eastdakota terminating 8chan's service] This is the problem, these conspiracy theorists
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Lextryagain: the way to solve most domestic issues is real, unlimited debate about uncomfortable topics using tough questions. Lil' Honeckers like @eastdakota don't want that: they think censorship will solve problems. It has in some countries, for a while & at great cost.
☞Gary☒☒'s avatar
From @garypack5
RT @Jordan_Sather_: Shopify terminated the account of @dylanlouism, the creator of the Deep State Mapping Project, rendering him unable to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Based on reality, does how cons oppose social media censorship work, or does it fail? MT @garypack5 MT @Jordan_Sather_: Shopify terminated the account of @dylanlouism, the creator of the Deep State Mapping Project