Tweets to Peace98🦋

Peace98🦋's avatar
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United States
Born in the Middle East but I am a proud American by choice. I believe that "Immigration without assimilation is an invasion"🇺🇸
Tweets to this user:
Brad Parscale - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @parscale
Democrats in 2006 voted in large numbers to protect El Paso from violence in Juarez with a wall/fence. @BarackObama…
This Is Not Normal's avatar
From @NetworkJunkyz
@parscale @KatrinaPierson @BarackObama Lolz, remember when you dopes convinced voters Mexico would pay for the wall?
Peace98🦋's avatar
From @AynRiedel98
@parscale @BarackObama Choose greatness! The best line of the night!️
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Who knew #MAGA stood for "Make Amnesty Great Again"? OK, I knew, but Trump's base has yet to catch on to Amnesty Don. MT @AynRiedel98 [about Trump's #SOTU] Choose greatness! The best line of the night!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I'm sure you'd agree Trump's plans are nuts. Now, explain why #TheResistance has never - even once - been able to show Trump wrong to his base. MT @NetworkJunkyz [to @parscale & @KatrinaPierson] Lolz, remember when you dopes convinced voters Mexico would pay for the wall?