Tweets to Joshua Benton

Joshua Benton's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Joshua Benton
Cambridge, Mass.
Occasional enemy of the American people. I run @niemanlab at Harvard. Proud Cajun. I love @leahalexis + @dashiellbenton. All opinions mine, not Harvard's.
Tweets to this user:
Avi Selk's avatar
From @aviselk
This year-old story I cowrote about a gun owner who stopped a shooting spree has been in @washingtonpost's most-rea…
Jeff Hobbs's avatar
From @jeffehobbs
@aviselk @jbenton @washingtonpost @washingtonpost Most Read list needs a recency filter on pubdate y'all
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jeffehobbs: more recently, @aviselk blogs there's no hurricane in AL: truly kid's stuff. If Trump or his proxies were called using Socratic questions on his grossly incompetent PR response, he'd be finished to a good part of his base. Selk lacks the smarts & patriotism.
Joshua Benton's avatar
From @jbenton
Some interesting new data on which news orgs American trust most (and least): No. 1? @wsj. Last place?…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jbenton of @niemanlab blogs that most Americans really distrust various media orgs. I've shown almost all wrong - WSJ, Breitbart, Slate, WaPo, LAT, InfoWars, NYT, etc. etc. He's just a worthless parasite who's never shown any of them wrong but only helps Breitbart etc.