Tweets to UKIP

UKIP's avatar
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United Kingdom
UKIP is the only party that puts the interests of the British people first. Join us today and help shape Brexit Britain 🇬🇧
Tweets to this user:
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
TWITTER REMOVES Tommy Robinson’s CAMPAIGN Twitter account
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
If I had to pin the responsibility for this on someone here we go.
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Hey @jack @vijaya what did Tommy’s CAMPAIGN account do?
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
UPDATE: @carlukip Carl Benjamin's CAMPAIGN account is ALSO SUSPENDED had over 10,000 followers was well establish…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Here’s what @carlukip looked like before being suspended
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
INFO regarding @carlukip suspension
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
"This is election interference, and UKIP will get to the bottom of this. " -- @UKIP
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
BuzzFeed UK's Mark Di Stefano decides to up the value of my reporting by fucking up at his job again. Thanks for b…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
"Twitter told The Hill that the accounts had been suspended for violating the platform's terms of service."…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Go ahead and point out Tommy Robinson's TOS violation, @jack @vijaya
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Mirror article is shit. WRONG: "But many of the tweets were written in the first person,…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
If you want a not-garbage article here’s @CassandraRules with one.
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
OH COME ON @jack @vijaya "ACCOUNT NOT OPERATED BY CARL BENJAMIN" "Violating our rules against evading permanent su…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Hey @Jack @vijaya i have proof that Carl Benjamin DOES NOT RUN THE ACCOUNT
James Doleman's avatar
From @jamesdoleman
@nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya And here's the proof he does (clue is in the first person singular)
Assange: “I told you so”. Didnt he just? 🇦🇺's avatar
From @ReasonAusVote
@jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya The first person certainly does look like it’s him. a) Twitter will know…
mark's avatar
From @reinforcedtv
@ReasonAusVote @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya IP could be from the same place because they might be at his home.
PaintHammer's avatar
From @ben_dragoo
@reinforcedtv @ReasonAusVote @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya You do realize that there are ways to spoof I…
Assange: “I told you so”. Didnt he just? 🇦🇺's avatar
From @ReasonAusVote
@ben_dragoo @reinforcedtv @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya Yes, but they can’t do it retrospectively. So if…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ReasonAusVote @nickmon1112: FYI, Twitter is extremely vulnerable: all non-verifieds could be censored at any time, they censor all kinds of users, & they heavily censor dissent to Trump officials. Publicize the real data at my pinned tweet to give them a really bad day.
Mad Replicant's avatar
From @MadReplicant
@UKIP @CountDankulaTV @PrisonPlanet Time for #SMACA. Lawmakers needs to take up The Social Media Anti-Censorship Ac…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MadReplicant: #SMACA is yet another grifting opp. It'd go nowhere. The smart, easy alternative is to just point out that #Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users, not just cons. Alex Jones played partisan games with censorship & we see how that worked out.
Sven Coop 🌏🥛🌹🐸❄️'s avatar
From @Sane_Communist
@24AheadDotCom_ @MadReplicant #SMACA doesn't look to be saying anything about conservatives though, it addresses al…
Liberty Dankmeme's avatar
From @LibertyDankmeme
@Sane_Communist @24AheadDotCom_ @MadReplicant treat #Facebook like a power or cable provider ... that's all they really are anyway
Sven Coop 🌏🥛🌹🐸❄️'s avatar
From @Sane_Communist
@LibertyDankmeme @24AheadDotCom_ @MadReplicant No, treat it like a public forum. That's what it is. It relies on pu…
Liberty Dankmeme's avatar
From @LibertyDankmeme
@Sane_Communist @24AheadDotCom_ @MadReplicant exactly - we have public electric grid - public information network -…
Sven Coop 🌏🥛🌹🐸❄️'s avatar
From @Sane_Communist
@LibertyDankmeme @24AheadDotCom_ @MadReplicant I'm not from the US so excuse me if I misunderstood you, but don't c…
Geor's avatar
From @geor97
@UKIP @PrisonPlanet @CountDankulaTV I tweet a lot. I haven't seen any obvious bias against people supporting Brexit…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@geor97: #Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users: libs, cons, Target customers, Sadiq fans/opponents, Ozil fans/opponents, etc. Emotional issues of cons like #UKIP always have to make it about them, even when doing that *hurts* them by shrinking the opposition to censorship.
UKIP's avatar
From @UKIP
It’s incredible that these ‘algorithms’ seem to have political biases against anything to the right of Jeremy Corby…
Gareth Baines's avatar
From @DrGABaines
@UKIP UKIP really have gone round the twist. Completely and utterly crackers
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DrGABaines: help undercut @UKIP to their fans. The data - real data, not anecdata - at my top tweet shows #Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users. About as many libs as cons but also Mike Trout, Ozil, etc fans. #UKIP is lying about what they do for their pity party.