Tweets to Mark Young

Mark Young's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mark Young
Detroit, MI, Tampa, FL
Co-host Blunt Force Truth w/ @chuckwoolery Author, futurist, Angel investor, entrepreneur, engineer,Bio-hacker, longevity expert, NLP, advertising hired gun
Tweets to this user:
Mark Young's avatar
From @MarkYoungTruth
RT @AWRHawkins: Just like Orlando Pulse and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, Jacksonville Landing was a gun-free zone. #GunControl is inhuman…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As you constantly illustrate, cons are simple-minded. The real problem is cultural, and cons are zero help with pushing a better culture. You're as much scum as the far-left. MT @MarkYoungTruth MT @AWRHawkins: Jacksonville Landing was a gun-free zone
on my way home's avatar
From @onmywayhomw
RT @MarkYoungTruth: This is really happening to us. Twitter’s Censorship of Conservatives Can No Longer Be Denied:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#Twitter heavily censors libs too. By falsely making it all about yourself you *help* Twitter by shrinking the tent. MT @onmywayhomw MT @MarkYoungTruth: This is really happening to us. Twitter’s Censorship of Conservatives Can No Longer Be Denied
Jesse James Wilson's avatar
From @jjwills2
RT @MarkYoungTruth: And where are the @Twitter police when this happens? Tell us twitter why is censorship only for conservatives? Why do y…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It isn't: they censor about as many libs as cons. Eg, 30% to 60% of the replies - most from libs - to Scott Pruitt are censored. Oppose that & you can help stop $TWTR censorship. MT @jjwills2 MT @MarkYoungTruth: ...Tell us twitter why is censorship only for conservatives?...