Tweets to Houston Chronicle

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Houston Chronicle
Houston, TX
News headlines and tweets from Houston Chronicle journalists.
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Dmitri Petrov's avatar
From @PetrovADmitri
RT @AdrianaBriscoe: People this is my first article written for the general public. Itโ€™s been picked up by @SFGate @HoustonChron @timesunโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PetrovADmitri: as an "evolutionary biologist at Stanford", why did SFGate, Houston Chron, etc. pick up the @AdrianaBriscoe tale about a butterfly researcher (who wants to encourage others of her race [Latina] to get into STEM)? Can you figure out why, Petrov?
Amy Siskind ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ's avatar
From @Amy_Siskind
Yep, this is perfectly normal too: dozens of immigrants in orange jumpsuits with their hands and feet shackled faciโ€ฆ
DMR's avatar
From @leftcoastlefty5
@Amy_Siskind @HoustonChron There is only one guy I want to see in an orange jumpsuit. Take a wild guess.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Follow the money. Whose interests does Siskind serve? Certainly not U.S. workers. U.S. Chamber, Koch, etc. all support illegal #immigration. MT @leftcoastlefty5 [@Amy_Siskind reblogs pic of illegal aliens in court] There is only one guy I want to see in an orange jumpsuit.