Tweets to James Cobb

James Cobb's avatar
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James Cobb
New Yorkish
Ex-NY Times car czar. Native Jayhawk, KU alum, former Detroiter. Tony Soprano once pointed to my byline.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NYCjamescobb: Trump never said he'd stop #immigration: he supported a massive amnesty since Aug 2015. @fawfulfan lacks smarts to understand that. He's on the same side as Big Biz (and Trump) in supporting low-wage foreign serf labor to lower U.S. wages. #ShareBlue #resist
James Cobb's avatar
From @NYCjamescobb
RT @fawfulfan: I have no sympathy. None. Zero. Shutting down immigration was Trump's signature pledge as a candidate. If your business dep…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Matthew Chapman is lying: Trump didn't so promise & they aren't immigrants. MT @NYCjamescobb RT @fawfulfan: [bogus tale about businesses whining about seasonal non-immigrant serf labor] I have no sympathy. Zero. Shutting down immigration was Trump's signature pledge as candidate