Tweets to Vote Dem for the Planet

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Vote Dem for the Planet
Washington DC, USA
#Liberal #Atheist #Science #Technology #UniversalHealthcare #MBA #SocialDemocracy #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #MetricSystemPlease
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Craig L. Ph.D.'s avatar
From @CL2Empower
RT @Brasilmagic: CNN showing the false assertions on Trumpโ€™s Oped on healthcare.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
All CNN's bloviating his no impact on Trump. The only thing that would is really pressing Trump proxies & forcing them to admit the OpEd is false. CNN won't do it; their fans don't demand it. MT @CL2Empower MT @Brasilmagic: CNN showing false assertions on Trumpโ€™s healthcare Oped
Vote Dem for the Planet's avatar
From @Brasilmagic
1. A friend of mine from California said businessmen in his industry were gloating when Trump won. Now, due to Trumโ€ฆ
Michele Desoer's avatar
From @mmdesoer
@Brasilmagic Lemme guess: farmers in the Central Valley? They are all lamenting their votes. #TrumpRegrets
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Wow. MT @Brasilmagic friend from California said businessmen in his industry were gloating when Trump won. Now, due to Trump's immigration policies, many have lost some of their best employees. Stuck in Mexico...Nearly everyone who works in these businesses is of Mexican descent
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mmdesoer: @Brasilmagic pining for cheap labor could have been written by a plantation enabler 150 years ago or a child labor enabler 100 years ago. She wants to give exploitative businesses all the cheap labor they crave. She's a stooge for crooked growers, USChamber, Koch...