Tweets to @RT_Pig #EFDP 41K

@RT_Pig #EFDP 41K's avatar
Twitter handle: 
@RT_Pig #EFDP 41K
๐Ÿ”ฅAvi/Header @IWantChloe #Follow Her/Tribute info below๐Ÿ”ฅ No longer doing RT's from this account only Promo's/#Femdom Promo's DM me to join #EFDP
Tweets to this user:
Scarletts Mud Pup's avatar
From @Scarlett_mudpup
RT @RT_Pig: Your favorite #Femdom #Findom is under attack! Craigslist was first and Twitter will be next! Stop the censorship of #AdultWoโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Scarlett_mudpup @RT_Pig: you complain about censorship of your genre. If you really want to reduce censorship, you have to broaden the tent and oppose censorship across the board. Cons, #MAGA, etc. are helping FB/Twitter divide & conquer by making it all about them.