Tweets to Dave Lee

Dave Lee's avatar
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Dave Lee
San Francisco, CA
I'm the BBC's Silicon Valley reporter. Find me on BBC TV, radio and online. TIPS: DMs open, Signal: (628) 400-7370
Tweets to this user:
Dave Lee's avatar
From @DaveLeeBBC
Daily Beast says it has leaked docs from within Russia's Internet Research Agency. Shows how Russians struggled toโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Wider hysteria. MT @DaveLeeBBC [@oneunderscore__] says it has leaked docs from in Russia's Internet Research Agency. Shows how Russians struggled to remain authentic, and heightens (in my view) the pressure on Reddit to join Facebook, Twitter and Google in the wider investigation
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DaveLeeBBC @oneunderscore__: TSA, TIA, etc serve AQ's interests: USA is less free, constantly afraid, etc. You, #Twitter, etc serve Putin's interests by enabling crackdowns on open debate. Some just use it to get crackdowns they've always wanted. Are you in on it or just dim?