Tweets to Josh Haskell

Josh Haskell's avatar
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Josh Haskell
Los Angeles, CA
@abc7 Eyewitness News Reporter covering my hometown of Los Angeles and surrounding counties. Former @abc journo. IG/Facebook: @abc7JoshHaskell
Tweets to this user:
Josh Haskell's avatar
From @abc7JoshHaskell
.@MayorOfLA and @mikebonin holding press conference in Mid-City to discuss adjustment and enforcement of speed limiโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abc7JoshHaskell: the kids with Garcetti are wearing what are known as "Peter Pan Collars". Sarah Huckabee Sanders & Rebecca Lowe (#Olympics presenter) recently wore them too.
Josh Haskell's avatar
From @abc7JoshHaskell
Protesters shouting at Steve Mnuchin, have now stopped lecture. Theyโ€™re being taken out @ABC7
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abc7JoshHaskell: also, why's their first inclination to act out, yell, vent, etc.? Why weren't #UCLA punks smart/sane enough to stop & think? Instead of venting, ask Mnuchin tough questions that'd really put him on this spot. Is it mental or emotional? #MAGA #resist