Tweets to Chris Jorgensen

Chris Jorgensen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chris Jorgensen
Billings, Montana
Billings Gazette city editor, crazy for Montana, music reviewer, bicycle pedaler
Tweets to this user:
Ruth Homsher's avatar
From @Homsher_PhD
"The DREAMers themselves are heinous, anyone would want to deport them.โ€--@AnnCoulter
L Longoria's avatar
From @luci_longoria
@Homsher_PhD @AnnCoulter We have to pay our tuition and they get thousands for their education! Take care of us first!!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BGJorgensen: @Homsher_PhD cheers Coulter saying the intensely stupid "The DREAMers themselves are heinous, anyone would want to deport them" & you respond in the usual, intensely stupid way that won't impact either of them. DREAMers & MSM pets; H & C *help* the MSM.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's colluding with Pelosi on the anti-American DREAMAct. @Homsher_PhD & Coulter just say things that *help* Pelosi/MSM, refuse to give Trump smart arguments that'd undercut Pelosi/MSM. MT @luci_longoria We have to pay our tuition and they get thousands for their education!