Tweets to Hans von Spakovsky

Hans von Spakovsky's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Hans von Spakovsky
Senior Legal Fellow, Heritage Foundation. Former FEC Commissioner, DOJ lawyer. Opinions are my own, not that of Heritage
Tweets to this user:
Hans von Spakovsky's avatar
From @HvonSpakovsky
Did Facebook’s ‘favors’ for the Obama campaign constitute a violation of federal law? #FoxNews
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HvonSpakovsky: here's a test. When #Twitter elevates replies from top cons to Dem leaders & downgrades replies from hoi polloi libs to GOP leaders, is that a vio of 1st amdt or at least of concern to you? *All* censorship is of concern to me. Is your concern partisan?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HvonSpakovsky: reality shows your TPs don't work. What's needed are TPs that convince Trump to back off amnesty, that give him a way to undercut Dem leaders to their base. When will you have the smarts & sincerity to give Trump effective talking points? #DailySignal #MAGA
Hans von Spakovsky's avatar
From @HvonSpakovsky
DACA Is Not What the Democrats Say It Is. Here Are the Facts. via @HvonSpakovsky @DailySignal
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
At #DailySignal, @HvonSpakovsky blogs the idiotic "DACA Is Not What the Democrats Say It Is. Here Are the Facts" using @wwwCISorg talking points. Have those TPs ever - even just once - undercut Dems to their base? Did those TPs keep Trump from colluding with Pelosi? #MAGA?