Tweets to Brandon

Brandon's avatar
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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Snapchat @brandongroeny , West Michigander, nationalist ,Trump supporter #stopwhitegenocide, #BanIslam, GO BLUE!
Tweets to this user:
Karen P 📿⛪🇺🇸🍷🍾's avatar
From @Kpetersen123
RT @brandongroeny: 60,000 Haitians will be deported by the Trump administration if they don't voluntarily leave. This is good!! Why should…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
95% of those tweeting about it oppose it. It'll be blocked in the courts. Trump wants Congress to legalize them. How's that "good"? MT @Kpetersen123 RT @brandongroeny: 60,000 Haitians will be deported by the Trump administration if they don't voluntarily leave. This is good!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kpetersen123 @brandongroeny: from my POV, it'd be much better if Trump used smart arguments that'd blunt or stop many of the attacks about TPS. I think that'd be better for USA & reducing #immigration. Please explain in detail how you think I'm wrong.