Tweets to Alternative NOAA

Alternative NOAA's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Alternative NOAA
Silver Spring, MD
The Unofficial Resistance team of the NOAA. Account not tax payer subsidized. NOAA studies the oceans, and the atmosphere to understand our planet. #BlueTide 🌊
Tweets to this user:
Norman Buffong's avatar
From @NormanBuffong
RT @altNOAA: Hey Trump supporting assholes - go pick some crops! You wanted these jobs, now they're yours! My bet: You think you're too goo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
altNOAA - 180 from Cesar Chavez - wants illegal alien foreign serf labor picking crops. You should try to be a real liberal & a patriot. #TheResistance MT @NormanBuffong RT @altNOAA: Hey Trump supporting assholes - go pick some crops! You wanted these jobs, now they're yours!
Jeff Wolfe's avatar
From @JeffWolfeSolar
RT @altNOAA: #PuertoRico still desperately needs food and water. #JonesAct waiver expires today. The price will now double.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
PR has more than enough food & water. They won't use it. MT @JeffWolfeSolar RT @altNOAA: #PuertoRico still desperately needs food and water