Tweets to Gregory Louganis

Gregory Louganis's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Gregory Louganis
Beverly Hills, California
World's Greatest Diver- Four Olympic Gold Medals (2 in '84, 2 in '88) One Silver, '76, '80 Boycott, 5X World Champion. Actor, Speaker, LGBTQI Activist, HIV/Aids
Tweets to this user:
Gregory Louganis's avatar
From @greglouganis
About to go on with @donlemon, @CNN, see you there! @Adaripp @Olympics
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@greglouganis: Pence is most vulnerable to Trump's base on how pro-amnesty he is. He even had his own amnesty plan! He's not vulnerable on your & @adaripp issues. If your goal is to undercut him to his base - the only way to impact him - you'll discuss amnesty. When will you?
Gregory Louganis's avatar
From @greglouganis
Hard to believe, in 2017, there is still this kind of #ignorance, not to mention #homophobia, from people likeโ€ฆ
Steve Blum's avatar
From @blumspew
@greglouganis @charlie_adler @AnnCoulter E pluribis asshole. She's a menace.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@blumspew: Coulter keeps chugging along because her loudest opponents (like you) just help her. You can't help but help her. #TheResistance
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@blumspew @ApptologyCEO: the smart way to undercut Coulter: Can I count on you being smart enough to help with it?