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The Real News
Baltimore & Toronto
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Jaisal Noor's avatar
From @jaisalnoor
hey @erinkotlan, are you available for a brief interview on Sanders coming to Liberty? Read your piece in The Atlantic
Jaisal Noor's avatar
From @jaisalnoor
@erinkotlan This would be for @TheRealNews, an independent, non-profit news program based in Baltimore.
Erin Kotlan's avatar
From @erinkotlan
@jaisalnoor @TheRealNews Yes! I am definitely interested.
Jaisal Noor's avatar
From @jaisalnoor
@erinkotlan great! Can you 'follow' me on here? Then I can send you a direct message about setting it up
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jaisalnoor: so far, @erinkotlan is incapable of defending her pro-mass #immigration propaganda. That's, of course, not unexpected.