Tweets to Jim Roberts

Jim Roberts's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jim Roberts
iPhone: 40.751663,-73.989670
Full-time student of the news & long-time follower of the Grateful Dead. Editor-in-Chief, πŸ§€CheddarπŸ§€. Ex-NYT, Mashable. Listen to the thunder shout.
Tweets to this user:
Justin Chermol's avatar
From @justin_chermol
NEW: @MarkSanford tells me/@cheddar he would support H.R.8 - Universal Background Checks - if elected President, "w…
Elisabeth Olson's avatar
From @Elisabethmngirl
@justin_chermol @nycjim @MarkSanford @cheddar @NRA Done, no thank you, goodbye
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Elisabethmngirl: what's horrific for the U.S. is Mark Sanford will speak to stooges like @justin_chermol of @Cheddar because he knows they'll never ask him any tough questions (e.g., about any downsides in HR8/UBC & Sanford's "tweaks" to it).
Alex Altman's avatar
From @aaltman82
former Trump campaign manager openly knifing his successor ->
The Cynic1st's avatar
From @TheCynic1st
.@aaltman82 .@nycjim .@CLewandowski_ Can you even imagine what a Shakespearean dumpster fire a Trump administration would be?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I put USA before being entertained. MT @BulliesWin Can you even imagine what a Shakespearean dumpster fire a Trump administration would be?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BulliesWin: when you want to put USA before you being entertained, demand those with access ask tough *tough* questions about *policy*.