Tweets to Gwendolyn Alley, Art and Wine Predator

Gwendolyn Alley, Art and Wine Predator's avatar
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Gwendolyn Alley, Art and Wine Predator
Ventura CA; Black Rock City NV
2019 US Wine Tasting Team. Art and Wine Predator. Compassionate Rebel. Eco-Psychologist. Westy Adventurer. Poet. Mom. On the prowl for that which engages Soul.
Tweets to this user:
Gwendolyn Alley, Art and Wine Predator's avatar
From @ArtPredator
RT @NWSSeattle: 2 weeks until the 1st total solar #eclipse since 1979 in the NW. Up to 4 planets visible in daytime in totality zone. Video…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ArtPredator: what @NWSSeattle isn't telling you is that the #eclipse will happen at night so most in U.S. won't see it. What a scam.