Tweets to Just June

Just June's avatar
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Just June
Georgia, United States
Born on an AFB, married to a Navy Vet. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #GoDawgs #ATD β€œGiving money & power to government is like giving whiskey & car keys to teenage boys”. PJ O’Rourke
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24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@BruceGoewey: encourage illegal aliens to return home, and employers will be forced to improve wages & conditions. #ows #tlot #oo #tcot #p2
Just June's avatar
From @MissJitter
@24AheadDotCom @BruceGoewey It is hard to ask employers to ignore their own interests especially in an over-regulated, depressed market.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@24AheadDotCom How is it that the poorest, most persecuted and least "entitled" group is being seen as the source of our economic troubles?
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@24AheadDotCom If that were possible, I suspect that most of those jobs would go unfilled and the economy would be depressed or fall apart.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@24AheadDotCom Many of those businesses probably would fail as well.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@MissJitter @24AheadDotCom Many businesses would be hurt and maybe fail.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@MissJitter @24AheadDotCom It probably would be a sacrifice for everyone involved and, yet, it would depress our economy and cause problems.
Just June's avatar
From @MissJitter
@BruceGoewey @24AheadDotCom I feel the only way that is right is to enforce the laws already on the books & fine employers. That works.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@MissJitter @24AheadDotCom Everyone needs to follow their conscience. We have to be who we are.
Bruce Goewey's avatar
From @BruceGoewey
@MissJitter @24AheadDotCom I can respect that. Frankly, regardless of what anyone would say, there are no easy answers.