Tweets to Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Alex Thompson
Washington, DC
covering 2020, the left, and Elizabeth Warren for Politico. Words in NYT, Vice. DM's open Secure Drop instrux:
Tweets to this user:
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
Warren gets a question in NH town hall from a voter asking what she shud tell relatives about the past claims of N…
Ken Blair's avatar
From @kenblair75
@AlxThomp @maggieNYT In other words she lied
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kenblair75: "Pocahontas" is worthless: it won't change anyone's minds. Warren's extremely vulnerable to her base over her pro-Big Biz immigration policy (point out to them she'd help lower wages). @AlxThomp is extremely vulnerable for never once asking anyone a tough question
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
NEW: Warren unveils immigration plan. Highlights: refugee cap to 125k and then 175k/year (at 30k now). Access to co…
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
Plan also calls to expand legal immigration (Trump has been supportive of Cotton/Perdue bill to cut legal migration…
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
Warren restates support for repealing 1929 statue making crossing the border a criminal offense (in addition to civ…
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
Biden, Beto, and Bennet have both said they don't support repealing the statute. The issue reemerged after Castro a…
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
The "Office of New Americans," designed to help assimilation w/ employment classes + teaching English, has some sim…
Alex Thompson's avatar
From @AlxThomp
There's also an interesting section that seems to be a nod to some unions that might be skeptical of increasing leg…
Nancy Love's avatar
From @nancylovenow
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nancylovenow: Big Biz wants as much immigration (legal or illegal) that they can get. U.S. Chamber, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. spend millions per year pushing for more immigration. Liz Warren would give Big Biz everything they want. And, @AlxThomp didn't call her on it.
Ryan McCarthy's avatar
From @mccarthyryanj
RT @learmonth: If Democrats take back the House they think they can do a deal with Trump to expand Social Security @alxthomp…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mccarthyryanj @learmonth: more probably turn to Vogue or Mad for news than VICE, & with good reason. Eg, @alxthomp helped Trump lie about Twitter censorship. He knows about the data at my top tweet showing Trump/Breitbart/GOP wrong, but he refuses to correct his deception.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jessicaschulb: you complain about DHS FOIA processing time. Your FOIA - valid as it may be- was no doubt very pro-corporate & would help U.S. chamber lower wages. Likewise, your pal @AlxThomp *helped* Trump lie about Twitter censorship. Why do you two always help Trump/Koch?
Libby Copeland's avatar
From @libbycopeland
Mattis swiftly corrected his boss...The defense secretary explained that McCain, who died Aug. 25, had in fact turn…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@libbycopeland: hi Libby, @alxthomp knows about the data at my top tweet showing that #Twitter censors *all* kinds of users, not just cons. Alex helped Trump & GOP lie & falsely pretend only cons are impacted, yet he lacks journalistic ethics to correct the lies he kicked off.
Shannon TogawaMercer's avatar
From @togawamercer
RT @AlxThomp: NYT announces that Warren is doing a TimesTalk with....@andrewrsorkin. Last week she did a CNBC interview wth @jimcramer. And…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@togawamercer: take a look at the reports at my pinned tweet showing #Twitter censors *all* kinds of users & about as many libs as cons. @AlxThomp helped Trump lie about what Twitter is doing. He knows about my data but he lacks journalistic ethics to correct Trump's lies.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@vanjones68: @alxthomp knows about the real data - not anecdata - at my top tweet showing Twitter heavily censors about as many libs as cons plus many others. They censor ~20% to 50% of the replies to Trump officials. He helped Trump lie & refuses to correct the record.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@K_LikeTheLetter: @AlxThomp helped Trump & Breitbart lie about Twitter censorship. Alex knows about the data at my pinned tweet that shows Twitter censors about as many libs as cons, but he refuses to bust Trump, Breitbart, & GOP leaders for lying about it. He's no journalist.
🎈Rhonda🎈's avatar
From @Rhonda51709184
RT @skoozz: What about the rest of us? Twitter appears to have fixed “shadow ban” of prominent Republicans... “The notion that social med…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Rhonda51709184 @skoozz: I sent @alxthomp the data in my pinned tweet & he acknowledged getting it. He knows #Twitter censors all kinds of users. He knows he helped Trump & Breitbart lie. So far, Alex Thompson hasn't shown the integrity to correct the record. #Vice #ViceNews
Jon Ralston's avatar
From @RalstonReports
"Nevada might get the first female-majority state legislature in U.S. history," via @AlxThomp.
Eugene V. Clemens's avatar
From @EugeneVClemens
@RalstonReports @AlxThomp Let's talk likelihood. Starting in the Assembly, we'll say these races are a sure thing f…
Jon Ralston's avatar
From @RalstonReports
@EugeneVClemens @AlxThomp You are responding to a 49-day old tweet.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RalstonReports: FYI, @AlxThomp knows about my pinned tweet showing that #Twitter censors all kinds of users (he acknowledged receiving it). Alex helped Trump & Breitbart deceive about what Twitter is actually doing but refuses to correct the record. Is that journalism?
