Tweets to Brenda Vitucci

Brenda Vitucci's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Brenda Vitucci
South Florida
America First, MAGA! Marine Industry. Marina Network Group on Facebook
Tweets to this user:
✭ John Brea ✭'s avatar
From @JohnJBrea
RT @BrendaVitucci: @realDonaldTrump @JohnJBrea #SchumerShutdown Americans First vs Illegal Immigrants First. Democrats chose Illegal Immigr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump wants amnesty almost as much as Chuck and Nancy. He's pushing the same amnesty Hillary would push. Soros has spent millions pushing the amnesty he's pushing. #MAGA? MT @JohnJBrea @BrendaVitucci: [a Trump] #SchumerShutdown Americans First vs Illegal Immigrants First
Tom McGovern's avatar
From @jefe_viejo
RT @BrendaVitucci: @Zeke311 Heard Trump speak at hisTexas rally and on Hannity town hall. Didn't sound like any softening at all. There are…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Swig some more Kool Aid. #Trump2016 MT @jefe_viejo RT @BrendaVitucci: @Zeke311 Heard Trump speak...Didn't sound like any softening at all.