Tweets to Lord Wabbit

Lord Wabbit's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Lord Wabbit
Like Vets (both kinds) UK/USA/Israel, conservative(small 'c') Pro Europe not EU. RTs not necessarily endorsement. Home of Paw-Litics Weekly (3m views pw)
Tweets to this user:
Lord Wabbit's avatar
From @WabbitManor
RT @CapitanLuv: @realDonaldTrump is bringing us back to healthy national pride. #USA #AmericaFirst #Brexit #MAGA @Nero @AnnCoulter https:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Have Trump or @AnnCoulter wished #USMNT well? MT @WabbitManor RT @CapitanLuv [Trump] is bringing us back to healthy national pride.
WS001's avatar
From @CapitanLuv
@24AheadDotCom_ @AnnCoulter @WabbitManor No news for a bit. Explain. #USA #Trump2016 #MAGA #America #Brexit #Nationalism #PatriotsNation
Lord Wabbit's avatar
From @WabbitManor
@CapitanLuv @24AheadDotCom_ @AnnCoulter Bunneez believe iz 2 do wiv basketball. Not follow - blasphemy 2 sum we knowz but whatyagonnado!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CapitanLuv: U.S. Mens National Team (#USMNT) played in a big soccer tourney. Since Trump used to play, why didn't he wish USA well?
WS001's avatar
From @CapitanLuv
@24AheadDotCom_ Who cares. There are MUCH more important issues at hand. Immigration, employment, free speech & self-defense.