Tweets to Wesley

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Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
This scene -- a 17-month-year-old girl with a bullet hole through her lip -- joins a grim roster of mass shooting a…
serenitys beach✨'s avatar
From @serenitysbeach
@WesleyLowery there are no words. a sliver of humanity in this horror can be found in the incredible outpouring o…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@serenitysbeach: AFAICT, there were zero non-crime-related mass shootings in the 13+ years when machine guns were freely available. P.S. @WesleyLowery is also a racist: he assumes any group of whites must be KKK. Not only all that, he can't show fiscal con ideas wrong.
Cathy Young's avatar
From @CathyYoung63
@WesleyLowery Hmm. Was this added later?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CathyYoung63: here's a question you should know, being on the inside: when was Teaparty actually founded? (It's earlier than 2009)
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
How do you write a 10 years later piece on the Tea Party and not mention - not once, not even in passing - the fact…
Jeffrey Stein's avatar
From @JStein_WaPo
@WesleyLowery too bad there is nobody you could call for a quote about this in the entirety of the democratic party…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery "...the fact that it was essentially a hysterical grassroots tantrum about the fact a black guy was p…
Noam Chonky's avatar
From @hottakebob
@JayCaruso @WesleyLowery Historical revision is indeed a problem, since most sources tend to identify Rick Santelli…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@hottakebob @JayCaruso To look at a movement 10 years later requires not just the “spark” but also the motivations…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery @hottakebob I'll concede that's fair but it also doesn't align with what you said, "...essentially a…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@JayCaruso @hottakebob Just one of many studies. Another, which places racial animus at the center of Tea Party mot…
Wesley's avatar
From @WesleyLowery
@JayCaruso @hottakebob And, again, the entire subject of race goes completely unmentioned in the New York Times' os…
Jay Caruso's avatar
From @JayCaruso
@WesleyLowery @hottakebob And I agree that's a fair point. Where we likely will never agree is what driving force b…
Jessica Shortall 🧂's avatar
From @jessicashortall
@JayCaruso @WesleyLowery @hottakebob Can you bring yourself to say “racist” or does it really, truly, after all thi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It started well before then. @WesleyLowery is a racist, assuming any mostly-white group must be KKK. He's no help at showing Koch ideas wrong. MT @hottakebob ...most sources tend to identify Rick Santelli's rant in February 2009 to be the catalyst of the Tea Party movement
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jessicashortall: when was Teaparty founded?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
List all the times those listed engaged TPers in debate about the huge flaws in their policies: MT @JStein_WaPo too bad there is nobody you could call for a quote [supporting playing race card on Teaparty] in the entirety of the democratic party, academy, or activist circles
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WesleyLowery: you should ask r/w entertainers why they refuse to tell their followers to use instead of guns.
bri's avatar
From @kinos127
RT @WesleyLowery: How about letting a minority journalist moderate a debate - rather than gimmicky cuts to black guy & Latino guy for race …
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@poctellie: how about getting @WesleyLowery to support real, pro-American policy debates: Not just race-based.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WesleyLowery bio: "wapo... reporter/seek truth/give voice to voiceless/shine light in darkness/other considerations r of minor importance"
Fighting for Truth, Justice & Campaign Kippah Way's avatar
From @weedouthate
@WesleyLowery Meeting w/Trump adviser Sam Clovis about Weed Out Hate Initiative
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
How did the meeting go? RT @weedouthate Meeting w/Trump adviser Sam Clovis about Weed Out Hate Initiative