Tweets to James Jay Carafano

James Jay Carafano's avatar
Twitter handle: 
James Jay Carafano
Washington, DC
Heritage Foundation guy trying to prevent World War III one tweet at a time (opinions expressed are my own)
Tweets to this user:
James Jay Carafano's avatar
From @JJCarafano
RT @RealJasonWert: Not defending Trump but these "coordinated editorials" about his calling the press fake news is completely deceptive to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JJCarafano @RealJasonWert: Trump opposes 1st Amendment. He's run as far from debate as he did from the draft. He's rarely held MSM accountable. He only cares about himself,not USA The fact that MSM are scummy Jeong-employers who've only ever *helped* Trump is a separate issue.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@JJCarafano: my #immigration questions are much better than Heritage's: Why won't they use them?