#teaparty is right: they're the only true patriots in the U.S. and the 300+ million who disagree with them are traitors. #glennbeck #sgp
This AP video: appears to be more or less an ad for this anti-American bill:
CGI re-enactment of the #Tiger Woods incident: It's in Chinese, but subtitles aren't really necessary.
Those like @NakedEmperor helped elect BHO by misleading & overselling his quotes, which MSM corrected. They should have just told the truth.
@NakedEmperor "shock" vid: Howard Dean correctly points out we have a mixed economy: (Note: going off subtitles)
@mattyglesias wants to take toys from needy U.S. kids: Old-time libs wd call on forgn gov'ts to take care of own.
Foreign concepts to #teaparty: "polling results", "election results", "deliberation", "facts", "truth", "self-control", "thinking", "sanity"
Frank Luntz + Goldwater Institute + McCain? + money followed:
My Twitter-friendly URL shortener - - shortens URLs and directly plays Youtube and now Myspace vids, like the last.
Rare 1987 concert footage of 10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant with My Sister Rose: Bad A/V, good #twirling
Deep Purple live 1970 with Speed King: #MusicMonday
Obsequious AP hack @borenbears asks how much BHO is like Spock, needs two other AP hacks to help:
That reminds me: "Sasha" and "Malia" are sure signs that Obama is a Marxist communist Soviet mole. #teaparty #sgp #glennbeck
Non-metal Маша of Arkona sings about a different valley: #MusicMonday #TumanBabe
Feel-good #arcadian Fog in the Valley from Belarus' Jambibum (Джамбібум): #MusicMonday #ArcadianBabe
Safely out of Faun, #SagaBabe Lisa Pawelke w/ group that sings song from 9th century's Kassia: #MusicMonday
Reading blogs/pundits/MSM, I sometimes get the feeling none of this is real and I'm trapped in my own personal version of Idiocracy.
Reading blogs/pundits/MSM, I sometimes get the feeling none of this is real and I'm trapped in my own personal version of 'Idiocracy'.
@Lizardoid (LGF) to *some* extent correct about right: But, wrong about rest, can't oppose correctly. #teaparty
Here's Richard and Linda Thompson with Down Where the Drunkards Roll (album version): #MusicMonday #FeelGoodMusic
Change of pace: #FinnBabe Pauliina Lerche sings "Jo mie viikon" #peppy #MusicMonday No idea what she's singing.
Shock therapy for #teaparty: 5. The idea that you're the only patriots is extremely absurd. 300+ million Americans disagree with you. #sgp
Shock therapy for #teaparty: 4. Dick Armey did stimulus lobbying around the same time @Freedomworks incompetents opposed it. #glennbeck #sgp
Shock therapy for #teaparty: 3. Going Galt - turning your back on the U.S. - is the opposite of patriotic. #glennbeck #spg
Shock therapy for #teaparty: 2. Those pulling the strings support mass immigration; that reduces your power, raises your taxes. #sgp #tcot
Shock therapy for #teaparty: 1. Playing dress-up games doesn't make you a patriot. #sgp #glennbeck
Millions of Americans are out of work. Instead of agitating for immigration enforcement, #teaparty just selfishly whines. #sgp #glennbeck
Hot #SnowBabe + catchy + Old Icelandic + #drummachine (!?!) = (Faun). #MusicMonday Tip: +real drums, -studio junk
@NYtimesKrugman calls for 2nd stimulus, WPA: Too corrupt to simply suggest enforcing our immigration laws.
Full text of the clemency @GovMikeHuckabee granted to alleged Washington cop killer:
I never got the "Chelsea Clinton is ugly" thing, and I wouldn't say that anyway. In fact, this is 1 of my faves:
#Beowulf in Modern English + #HurdyGurdy + #Theremin = more interesting than you might think: #MusicMonday
Natalie Merchant My Skin: Buy the Ophelia CD as a gift here: #MusicMonday
Politico tries reaching Joe Klein level of sycophancy, protects Obama from the real stories he doesn't want told:
#teaparty is saved! Chuck Woolery - former host of "Meow Mix Think Like a Cat Game Show" - comes out as a supporter. #sgp #glennbeck
Hey #teaparty: Dick Armey supports massive/illegal immigration; that would lead to more power for Dems & more spending. #sgp #glennbeck #doh
LaRouche & followers seem to be planning a trip to the Moon and Mars on their nuclear-powered rocketship: #comet
Hey #teaparty: Dick Armey did stimulus bill lobbying: Does anyone think he lobbied to reduce it? #sgp #glennbeck
Another great #teaparty intellectual: (Delusional Insty-linked source: ) #sgp #glennbeck
Note: I'll henceforth be labeling tweets: "sarcastic", "satire", "serious", etc. Note: "serious" might be serious, sarcastic, or satire.
@GatewayPundit closes comments on #teaparty "patriots" post: Jim: those aren't patriots, just useful idiots. #sgp
English WWII vets very unhappy with changes made by both Thatcher and Gramscians:
@britneyspears sure, but only if it's tasteful and fits in with the plot. Nothing gratuitous.
L.A. faces "jobless recovery"; has 800,000 below poverty line; almost 40% can't read at 8th grade level:
Those bizarre calf mutilations in Colorado ( bear all the hallmarks of The Hat Man.
#Canada border guards fail: few care what Amy Goodman thinks; few knew Olympics were in CA:
"BBC Abandons Ballet With Deformed Rapist Pope": Well, good for them.
@allahpundit you keep helping MMFA: Don't worry, I'll show how they're wrong: #hack
Sarah Palin appearing at #teaparty does her far more harm than any good in reaching out to small # of Randroid loons. #sgp #glennbeck #tcot
Someone at NYT IP tells Glenn Reynolds to STFU: Someone from UT/Knoxville told me to STFU:
Obama state dinner guests (Part 4): Brian Williams of NBC, Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO, Fareed Zakaria, some CEOs, and many more. The End.
Obama state dinner guests (Part 3): Andy Stern of the SEIU, M. Night Shyamalan, Steven Spielberg, Penny Pritzker of $$$$, Bill Richardson..
Obama state dinner guests (Part 2): Deval Patrick, Kamala Harris, GE chairman Jeff Immelt, Jeffrey Katzenberg of Dreamworks, Newt Minow...
Obama state dinner guests include (Part 1): Deepak Chopra, Katie Couric, John Doerr, Anita Dunn, Greg Craig, Tom Friedman, David Geffen,....
Obama becomes self-parody, features arugula at White House State Dinner: #ArugulaGate
@DaveWeigel lies yet again, falsely says that Lou Dobbs "talk[s] about ending immigration":
LULAC sues Ohio to prevent them cancelling fraudulent car registrations obtained by presumed illegal aliens:
Leave @KatieCouric alone! My bday's next year, maybe if she's in CA she could stop by.
Arianna @HuffingtonPost has some abfab ideas about unemployment: Simply enforcing immigration laws not mentioned.
♫ Along the same lines, here's Carol Williams playing Flight of the Bumblebee at WestPoint: #MusicMonday #showoff
♫ Here's some Dutch pagan metal from Heidevolk: #MusicMonday
♫ I always wanted a tribute to Russian heathenism with power/operatic metal Alkonost &, I found it! #MusicMonday
♫ Garmarna - Herr Holger - Swedish folkish rock (Eng. subtitles): #MusicMonday #TradBabe #JustABitTooModern
♫ #MedievalBabe Marisa sings Hildegard von Bingen's "O dulcis Divinitas": (#1 in the year 1123!) #MusicMonday
Creedence: Trust me: getting stuck in New Idria or Valley shantytown would be far worse than Lodi. #MusicMonday
♫ 10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant live on TV with Eat for Two:
#prolife #prochoice #musicmonday
♫ Jefferson Airplane at Altamont: #MusicMonday
ACORN: doc dump just careless employees: #iwanttobelieve #clickheelstwice #credulous #turniptruck #threecardmonty
#teaparty heckles grieving woman: Teaparty couldn't find smart way w/ two hands, map, and a GPS. #glennbeck #sgp
♫ Jefferson Airplane live at Monterey 1967: (confusing but OK; 2nd camera shot?) #MusicMonday
I've tweeted more offensive tweets before tweetfast, but ESPN de-tweeted him for 2 weeks over this tweet, others:
Before CA AG visit, ACORN threw large #s of docs in their dumpster. Breitbart PI *retrieved them*: ACORN: run!
♫ Child in Time by Blackmore's Night: and by Deep Purple Mk2: #MusicMonday #YouDecide
♫ In case you missed it the first 1000 times, here's #BretonBabe Gael Lorcy w/ a Breton folk song: #MusicMonday
♫ Natalie Merchant live 1989 w/ Verdi Cries (10,000 Maniacs New Haven concert video, not the TV one) #MusicMonday
@CarlyForCA says she can win because she's a woman; white men can't beat Barbara Boxer. No, really: (h/t Malkin)
♫ Tiny Tim predicted Global Warming in the 60s! #MusicMonday #okthatskindaodd (via @AnnAlthouse)
♫ Neil Young live w/ Like A Hurricane. Video: #MusicMonday #plaid #canada #windmachine
New EU prez: 2009 is first year of "global governance", step towards global management of our planet. Video:
I think Whataburger won't open in CA because they're worried about appropriation by the Jerry Brown admin. Good. Stay away. See if I care.
@SocialistViews do you support #teaparty? If their #libertarian ideas take hold, the backlash might lead to millions wanting "change". #sgp
#iswearithurts to mountain bike at ~13,000' (from before me putting camera around neck so I'd have hands free)
#teaparty are the only true patriots in the US; shouldn't they be bringing charges against the ~315 million non-TP traitors? #glennbeck #sgp
If #libertrian ideas were enacted, reaction might lead to rise of leader more socialist than Obama. Is #teaparty Cloward-Piven? #glennbeck
#iswearithurts when you bike fully off the trail into bushes: (That's me; other, bloodier crashes hurt more.)
#teaparty: Dick Armey did stimulus lobbying. What are chances he wanted to reduce it? #glennbeck #sgp #tcot #tlot
#teaparty: here's a quick Critical Thinking test: You need those concepts. #sgp #glennbeck
Is #teaparty part of the ClowardPiven strategy? Their Rand dream might lead to millions supporting full-on socialism. #tlot #glennbeck #sgp
#teaparty Master Plan: 1. Help Koch Industries make $$$. 2. Help Dick Armey's former clients make $$$. 3. ?????? 4. Profit! #glennbeck #sgp
#glennbeck fans are blissfully unaware that most don't support strong fiscal conservatism. Beck Plan is good for him, worth little to U.S.
#glennbeck is "developing a 100 year plan". If he wants to stop corruption, he should look at his buds (Armey...) #sgp #teaparty #methuselah
#teaparty Formula for Success: 1. Dress up like Thomas Paine. 2. Throw tantrum. 3. ????? 4. Profit!
Calorie chart: Backpacking: 500cals/hr. Hiking: 300cals/hr. Whining, waving signs, chanting, playing dress-up like #teaparty: 40 cals/hr.
DREAM Act is openly anti-American; could be used it to discredit Durbin, others. Stop waving loopy signs, start using brains. #sgp #teaparty
Smarter #sgp would find lawyer to "cross-examine" Durbin over DREAM Act. All #teaparty could do is wave signs at his building. #glennbeck
Smarter #teaparty could have had impact on #hcr. Instead, they just threw tantrums; can't learn from mistakes. #sgp #glennbeck #killbill
Millions unemployed, #teaparty "patriots" mostly ignore (or even support) mass immigration. Must be a "different kind" of patriotism. #sgp
Moe's Books in Berkeley tells me they aren't selling Sarah #Palin book: it's "dangerous", "don't want to give her any money". #sarahpalin
Smarter #sgp would help me discredit MSM. For example, highlight those who write these: #teaparty #glennbeck
Dear #teaparty braintrust: Where's proof that Jerry Brown told ACORN anything? Really try and think that through. #glennbeck #sgp #hearsay