Mexican flags, ANSWER signs at the #NYC #MayDay #immigration march: @americasvoice: plz RT. #teaparty #tcot #sgp
Univision says they say over 20k @ #NYC immigration march; @sookyung says (?) 150 in #philly. #BigWhoop
@doilookillegal lies, claims that #Arizona #immigration law has "looks like" provision. Illegal immigration supporters averse to the truth.
1/3: It would be possible for #teaparty to effectively oppose BHO and Dems in popular way, but I don't think #teaparty capable. #tcot #tpp
3/3: #teaparty: instead of pushing things most Americans oppose, go after the Dems in areas where they're vulnerable, unpopular. #tcot #tpp
2/3: #teaparty: the vast majority of Americans support a mixed economy, and just aren't big fans of your #libertarian lunacy. #tcot #tpp
1/3: It would be possible for #teaparty to effectively oppose BHO and Dems in popular way, but I don't think #teaparty capable. #tcot #tpp
What? Gloria Estefan at L.A. #immigration march? New album coming out or something?
Live video from L.A. #immigration march:
#Unverified, assigned to you: @dico1111
2 of 2: @AllahPundit: demagoguing is great for the Instalanches! But, if you want do something follow me:
1 of 2: @AllahPundit shows (again) he has no clue. Cops wouldn't (& didn't) need new law for situation described:
#Teaparty for Smarties: help me discredit #CNN; link to, spread individual posts here: #tcot #sgp #tpp #glennbeck
#Arizona #immigration law made even more @ChavezLinda-proof:
#Teaparty releases new Statement of Principles, or something: #libertarian #sgp #tcot #tpp
@JoeWurzelbacher: see my comment on your Facebook page about your anti-American t-shirt and what you should be doing instead.
@JoeWurzelbacher does video for @SharronAngle: (recorded in Dick Armey's bathroom?)
@sanjayguptaCNN helps Shakira mislead on #Arizona #immigration law: @SamFeistCNN @JonKleinCNN #CNNRealJournalism
Hard left preps for May 1 #NewYorkCity #immigration march: (Holmes: ANSWER, IAC) Look #Teaparty: real commies!
Berkeley geniuses protest #Arizona #immigration law: At risk of compounding problem: @scrowder #teaparty #sgp
#Missouri gov. Jay Nixon very misinformed on #Arizona #immigration law: #teaparty #tcot #sgp #tpp
Megasleaze @AnthonyWeiner stomps Godwin's Law over #Arizona #immigration law:
CA Senator Sam Aanestad (Lt. Gov. candidate) stands up for #Arizona #immigration law:
#Virginia gov. @BOBMCDONNELL smears #Arizona #immigration law, after admitting hasn't read it: Great governance.
#Teaparty for Smarties: post about Nellie Pou @njassemblydems lying about #Arizona #immigration law: #sgp #tcot
@secularstupiddd @JanSimpson @CSteven: thanks, but I was pointing out that across-the-board support for legal immigration not wise.
#teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp for Smarties: web link her name to or catch in other lies. @FAIRImmigration
1 of 2: @Maddow still smearing @FAIRImmigration: It'd be a smart thing for #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp to...
@postpolitics: @AnneKornblut article *still* lying to readers: Even the NYT corrected similar false claim.
@devindwyer: why didn't you tell @ABC viewers that DREAM Act lets illegal aliens take college away from citizens?
It's like crooks who don't know their audience sending people out one by one: Will you believe Shakira? How about LindaR? Ricky Marting? ...
OK, I've changed my mind on the #Arizona #immigration law! Top thinker Ricky Martin has weighed in: #zzz #sgp
@secularstupiddd @CSteven @CStevenTucker: "Conservatives love legal immigration!" Grown-ups, see 0:28 of #tcot
@ACLU, @ACLUAZ: Alessandra Soler Meetze lies about #Arizona #immigration law: (With Huerta's racial power bonus)
At last link, Tom Ridge - Mr. Home Improvement ( ) shows he doe$n't under$tand #attrition. #immigration #arizona
Odd: @ToomeyForSenate - of the "Profits at Any Price" school - comes out for #Arizona #immigration law:
#Teaparty has no shame, part 2: #sgp #tpp #tcot #p2 #tlot
No shame: #libertarian #teaparty loons baby-wave & invoke Civil Rights Mvmt to help @Kochtopus make $. Vid: #sgp
Charlie Crist: tanned, rested, and running as independent.
Despite MSM lies, 51% support #Arizona #immigration law. If #teaparty #sgp #tpp would help me, might go up; at least we'd discredit hacks.
@BigGovt has just two posts about #Arizona #immigration law. Two?! And, only one from American side. Compare:
@rsmccain: I sent an email (hotsop) regarding the "Chip" you mentioned. If that wasn't just some kind of joke, please reply.
@washingtonpost: will you correct Kornblut's false statement about AZ #immigration law? NYT did, now you do it.
@chavezlinda tries agitating against #Arizona #immigration law, gets corrected:
@AndrewBreitbart: instead of mudslinging w/ @Wolfrum, why not help me discredit Color Lines *publisher*, Socratic-like? See prior tweets.
11am MST: ACLU, MALDEF, NILC, + Dolores Huerta & Linda Ronstadt (?) to appear at State Capitol Exec. Tower against #Arizona #immigration law
Rubashkin might get life: Backstory on Agriprocessors #immigration raid: #Iowa
If you appreciate the #Arizona #immigration coverage that few others can match, there's a PayPal button on each page. Just sayin'.
#Arizona #immigration lawsuit due Thu., *might be based on non-existent provision*: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp #p2
@AnneKornblut: stop lying: trespassing was removed from #Arizona #immigration law, even NYT posted correction:
@stansolomon: the only good thing about #teaparty threatening revolution is that their muskets are plastic & made in Japan. #sgp #tpp #tcot
Great news for Mexican gov't, far-left, crooks: "Referendum could delay #Arizona #immigration law to 2012":
@shikhadalmia still not credible on #immigration: #Arizona (#Teaparty #sgp #tpp: meet your #libertarian friends)
@AndrewBreitbart: try & figure out why I'd never post anything like Hoft. I'd find out why they're there, who, what, when. Y'know,reporting.
@AndrewBreitbart: why you promote loony @gatewaypundit Quincy report? (Who I'm sure is just a naive idiot). Other reasons for SWAT 2 appear?
Things no #teaparty supporter has even thought in passing: "Hey, maybe we should think this through *first*". #sgp #tcot #tpp #TeapartyDumb
MALDEF, Mexican government-linked @ACLU to begin legal push against #Arizona #immigration law Thursday:
#NewYork state senator Kevin Parker: "You Racist People In Here", white supremacists in Albany: #FunTimes #sgp
#Arizona #immigration law opponents want boycott of Arizona Iced Tea... which is made in NY: #TeapartyDumb #sgp on #Arizona #immigration law: W/o looking I know she's wrong. @shikhadalmia
@KJ_MayorJohnson: Border Patrol been successfully determining status for decades, yet local police can't be trained? What are you saying?
@realalexjones: #CFR hack lies about #Arizona #immigration law, supports amnesty: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp #glennbeck
@thepubliceditor @CJR: bad NYT journalism: R. Archibold spreads disreputable rumor on #Arizona #immigration law:
NYT prints correction on Linda Greenhouse OpEd: @ALIPAC @thepubliceditor
@AndrewBreitbart: it might be smarter to help me discredit head of Color Lines; see my recent rinku tweets and do follow-up.
Obama: "countries like Europe" at 1:25 of @AllahPundit @gatewaypundit, over to you. Why wrong about rest in sec.
#teaparty #tcot #sgp isn't even smart enough to show some of the ways Michael Moore wrong on AZ #immigration law:
@ALIPAC: by doing things my way, we could get to a point where ShovelLady is immediately condemned by the establishment.
@ALIPAC: less ability to push illegal immigration. What you could do but aren't is, frexmp, help discredit LindaG:
@ALIPAC: are wrong or lying or misleading. Without those little helpers, the illegal immigration-supporting establishment will have much..
@ALIPAC: what that means is that instead of demagoguing this issue (the shovels video), we show how the establishment's little helpers...
@ALIPAC: illegal immigration wouldn't occur without establishment support. By going after that support in an effect way, we can reduce it.
@CSMecon: I wasn't "mentioning" *you*, but the deceptive Robert Reich #immigration idea CSM printed: #tcot #sgp
Comment-deleting puffball @normative needs to raise ethnic consciousness even more; idea: have MALDEF sue @catoinstitute for discrimination.
@arc_rinkusen: After "lawful contact", would anyone in their right mind think you're an illegal alien?
@arc_rinkusen: question about What would you be doing to cause "lawful contact"? Casing a Starbucks?
@Kochtopus: New #teaparty slogan: "This is MY stream, and MY private nuclear waste dump! Tell that Commie Obama: hands off!" #sgp #tcot #tpp
Dem power grab, pushing through Puerto Rican statehood (while #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp sleep): #Unverified
Pima County, #Arizona sheriff says won't enforce #immigration law: Opens them to lawsuits by any citizen.
@phoenixnewtimes to print ad w/ Arpaio, Brewer as Nazis; ad buyer affiliated w/ domestic terrorists: #immigration
@warnerthuston, @barbdelollis go at it #MiniEstrellas style: (There might be an issue, but tweets not proof.)
Note: I changed the last post's title to "Jeb Bush opposes Arizona immigration law, and helps the far-left at the same time"
Good thing about the #KrikorianSynchronicity: it gives @AllahPundit and other valiant BHO opponents plausible deniability not to link to me.
Scary: Krikorian and I both pointed out that Greenhouse looked at wrong law within a minute of each other: #bobsy
Here's everything #teaparty #sgp #tcot has done about MSM spreading AZ #immigration law disinfo: ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
@marcorubio has "concerns" about #Arizona #immigration law: (Based on news reports, the ones #teaparty ignores)
California IDs (and from most other states) will be acceptable under #Arizona #immigration law:
@AllahPundit: I don't expect you to have noticed that Greenhouse quoted from the Senate *bill*, not the law:
#Teaparty for Smarties: help me discredit Linda Greenhouse: #sgp #tcot #tpp #Arizona #immigration
@nytimesopinion: Linda Greenhouse misleads about #Arizona #immigration law, wasn't looking at the right bill (!):
@thepubliceditor: Linda Greenhouse misleads about #Arizona #immigration law, wasn't looking at the right bill (!):
@NoelSheppard: At your NB link I expected comparison between #Arizona & federal law. I just got a rant. 2nd thought: don't do better. #sgp
#Arizona governor Brewer complained about "misinformation" over #immigration bill; instead of helping, #teaparty #sgp distracted by beans.
New #Teaparty slogan: "This is MY air space, and MY pork rendering plant. Tell that Commie in the White House: hands off!" #sgp #tcot #tpp
Trying to get #teaparty #sgp #tcot to do something useful is NOT like herding feral rabid cats. It's like herding feral rabid m*thh*ad cats.
@rsmccain: Who was it? Did they say something that I should contact Delores Blasingame about?
To get the actual #Arizona #immigration bill as signed, go to and choose it from the list. #teaparty #sgp #tcot
@cqpolitics: @TTancredo says was misquoted: 'I did NOt say the AZ law "goes too far." I support it fully.'
RT @TTancredo: a [] blog misquoted my statement [TV] on the new #Arizona law. I did NOt say the AZ law "goes too far." I support it fully.
While MSM spreads disinfo about #Arizona #immigration law, all #Teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp leaders can do is demagogue. Get new leaders.