
@JoeTheMailman @ospatriot: #teaparty leaders have no answer to Jesse Jackson: all they care about is money. #tcot #ocra #TopProg #GOP #sgp
@awgee2009: hi Linda. Are you a Liberty Linked member?
@civilebarbie: fmr US comptroller held sparsely-attended "Fiscal WakeUp Tour" in 2008. Where were #teaparty "patriots"? #TopProg #tcot #GOP
@HMOlsen: hey Harold! Are you a member of Liberty Linked?
@deniseromano: instead of #WPA, how about #immigration enforcement to free up jobs for American workers? #crickets #TopProg #tcot #p2 #sgp
RT @PJTV: How can people blame the #teaparty for wanting a nation that lives within its means? // #AutobahnJoke #SelfEdit #tcot #tlot #sgp
@ZenShadow: challenge #Teaparty / #libertarian types w/ the salmonella question. "How would that work?" #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP #ocra
@TriciaNC1: damn straight about those poor people! They've got it too easy. Time to bring back workhouses! #tcot #GOP #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@LodesForSenate: why has #teaparty mostly ignored #immigration for 2+ yrs, despite it being more important than spending? #odd #tcot #tlot
Reminder: @MiltShook *helps* #teaparty because he doesn't understand what they're really all about: $$$. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot #GOP
@Adenovir: FWIW, Armey 2006 anti-spending: Qv & pre- #teaparty astroturf:
@ultraverified: #teaparty can't even spell White Nationalist. Just because they're mostly white doesn't mean they're racist. #TopProg #tcot
@lymurp: top #teaparty leader Koch joined w Soros to give millions to illegal #immigration-supporting #ACLU. #sgp #tpp #afire #ocra #TopProg
@lymurp: libs bear part of blame for illegal immigration, but #teaparty leaders help out too: Armey & #Koch. #sgp #tpp #afire #ocra #tlot
#teaparty to hold #JobsBash. About only time in 2+ yrs they care about jobs, it's just cover to help BigBiz & for politics. #TopProg #tcot
#CaseyAnthony is smart, pretty, and classy enough to be #MissAmerica. Maybe that's why Nancy Grace hates her! #HLN #JusticeForCasey #sgp #p2
.@zerohedge says foodstamp #EBT usage spiked in #Alabama. Would #immigration enforcement => more Americans working? #teaparty #tcot #tlot
I'm still waiting for a liberal to show how Powerline Prize winner is wrong: #ItsEZ #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot
With millions unemployed, #DHS now using loopholes to allow more skilled #immigration: #afire #tcot #TopProg #sgp
#Hazleton victory over #immigration law suit by @ACLU & #MALDEF: #afire #teaparty #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
#CaseyAnthony (or lookalike) in #Ohio, vid: #JusticeForCasey #HLN #sgp #teaparty #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@kasewickman: Hi Kase! I think I know MarkusGarvey from WaMo. Do you know his twitter or email?
@Williamjkelly: where was #JobsBash 2+ yrs ago? #teaparty "patriots" indeed. #TopProg #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #sgp
@Williamjkelly: it's telling #teaparty wants ppl to bring résumés to #JobsBash. Most unemployment of those who just fill out apps. #tcot #p2
@Williamjkelly: about only time in 2+ yrs #teaparty cares about jobs, it's just cover to help BigBiz & for politics. #JobsBash #TopProg #sgp
#p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21: keep those like @MiltShook as far away from opposing #teaparty as possible, they aren't helping. #GOP #tcot #ocra
@MiltShook doesn't realize that the *only* defining characteristic of #teaparty is MONEY. That's it, nothing more. #TopProg #tcot #sgp #tpp
@MiltShook doesn't realize that the *only* defining characteristic - their raisin d'etre - is MONEY. That's it, nothing more. #TopProg #tcot
@MiltShook: some #teaparty are racist. So are some #Dems, some Shriners, some LARPers. Doesn't make those groups inherently racist. #TopProg
@MiltShook would fall for this: "Some Elk are racist. Therefore, the Elk is a racist group." #ThatsDumb #teaparty #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@lawrence and/or his crack research staff isn't bright enough to show how the extremely discreditable #libertarian are wrong. #TopProg #tcot
@lawrence: on the brightside, @ReasonMag #fail just means you're an idiot, not worse: a #liberaltarian. #libertarian #p2 #tlot #TopProg #sgp
@pudingtane @standupkid @amronsomar: vid of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration: #phnm
@floridajayhawk: vid of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration: #tcot #sgp #tpp #ocra
@Adenovir: instead of showing low research skills or low integrity, make sure #teaparty knows Armey supports illegal #immigration. #sgp #tpp
@Adenovir: you're an MD *and* a PhD, and you can't/won't research Dick Armey speaking out against #GWB spending? #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@leyalely @chean_nasution @oscarneo : vid of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration:
@dollarsasammo @tupiazul @vineemenon: vid of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration:
@velvetvintage: video of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration:
@limlipeng: video of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal immigration: #libertarian #WeThePeople
@orlibertygal: video of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal #immigration: #ocra #GlennBeck #phnm
@SpielzOnWheels: video of top #Teaparty leader Dick Armey supporting illegal #immigration: #afire #tpp #sgp #tcot
@survivalstation: who's coming for #teaparty, and where do I sign up to help? #JustKidding! #p2 #tlot #TopProg #ocra #GOP #tcot #sgp #tpp
@gjsproule: self-centered #teaparty sociopaths have concentrated on their non-precarious situations, ignored millions of unemployed. #tlot
@RBReich (aka "Mr. White Male Construction Workers") isn't intellectually honest: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot
@leemeade77 @flossofer: @RBReich has nothing against white people, nothing at all! #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot
@wordcravers: hi! Are you a member of Liberty Linked?
@NinaPaley won my "Probably Wrong About Intellectual Property Laws Babe of the Week" award in 2009: #internet #web
#Dem idiots think #Teaparty is like #KKK, when they're actually shockingly similar to #Amway. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #Dems #tcot #ocra #GOP
@MattYglesias: so, who's your favorite Satanic #BlackMetal band? #SBM #metal #BM #teaparty #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot #Dems #GOP #ocra
If #libertarian proposed privatizing #Pentagon, all "greatest minds" of #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #Dems could do is play race card. #sgp #tcot
Smart 3rd graders could show how #teaparty / #libertarian ideas are wrong. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #Dems can't, just play race card. #tcot
Major reason #Teaparty is still around: cuz #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #Dems can't show how incredibly stupid ideas of #libertarian are wrong.
@MiltShook is a tiny part of the reason why #teaparty is still around. His stupidity helps them. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot #ocra #sgp
@EWDolan: hey Eric, I think I know MarkusGarvey from WaMo. Do you know his twitter or email?
@jikiri: indeed. That's why #teaparty is right to oppose Obama's King For Life Act. No royalty for us! #sheesh #tcot #GOP #ocra #TopProg
@miltshook: unnecessarily bringing up race implies you think #teaparty is race-centric group, when they're just about $$$. #tcot #GOP #ocra
@miltshook: when you refer to "black president" & RT someone saying #teaparty goal was to oppose black president (cont'd). #tcot #GOP #ocra
@miltshook: I wasn't accusing you of saying that #teaparty cares about poorer whites. I was providing clear proof they aren't race-centric.
@jikiri is anti- & un-American: he thinks those who disagree w #teaparty aren't real patriots. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #ocra #GOP #tpp #sgp
@jikiri shows why #p2 #tlot #TopProg failure to send #teaparty back to their compounds is so irksome (con'td) #tcot #ocra #GOP #tpp #sgp
Harry Reid Pines For His Pomeagrante Trees: #teaparty #tcot #GOP #ocra #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp #p2 #GlennBeck #phnm
Q: How did they invent copper wire? A: 2 #GOP #teaparty members fighting over a starving homeless man's last penny. @FiredupinLV #tcot #tlot
@jikiri: for 2+ years, #teaparty has been lying, red-baiting, & implying others aren't real patriots. TPers didn't have to act Alinsky. #GOP
@pathtotyranny: it's *odd* how #teaparty "patriots" have ignored pro-American jobs plan: #sgp #tpp #tcot #GOP #p2
@pathtotyranny: #debtceiling might mean 1,800,000 fewer jobs: #teaparty #tcot #GOP #ocra #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp #p2
@MiltShook: can you post examples of #teaparty caring about poorer *whites*? I'll wait. #tcot #GOP #ocra #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp #TopProg #p2
#Debt deal might mean 1,800,000 fewer jobs: Thanks, #teaparty "patriots"! #tcot #GOP #ocra #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp
#Teaparty terrorists end up not looking very good. Reuters: ##tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp
#DOJ sues #Alabama over #immigration law, what to do: #afire #teaparty #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp
♬ "Nature & Slavic Paganism": #perky #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp #tpp #phnm
♬ Ilana plays " #Teaparty Don't Get Drunk": #NowPlaying #fiddle #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp
♬ Latvian folk band official video: #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp #GlennBeck
@jarjarbug: I'm sick of vilinization! It's time we #Teaparty Patriots showed those COMMIE MOOCHERS & went Galt in Somalia! #tcot #ocra #tlot
@jarjarbug: I'm tired of being vilinized! It's time we #Teaparty Patriots showed them who's boss and went Galt in Somalia! #tcot #ocra #tlot
♬ 10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant - Dust Bowl: #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21 #sgp
@thenewdeal: practice making a valid argument against #teaparty here: #p2 #p21 #tlot #TopProg #ocra #tcot #sgp
@thenewdeal: why can't your leaders make valid, persuasive argument against #teaparty when it's so incredibly easy for me? #tlot #p2 #tcot
♬ "Song for #Teaparty Patriots" wins Powerline Prize! #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21
♬ Pelageya w/ "Song for #Communism & Against #Teaparty": #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #p21
@Thom_Hartmann preaches to choir about #teaparty: #da #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp #tpp #phnm #GlennBeck #p2 #tlot #p21
#Teaparty is *the* best ever example of the "Dunning–Kruger effect" (search it). #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp #tpp #phnm #GlennBeck #p2 #tlot #p21
Challenge for #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dems: show how Powerline Prize winner is wrong: #EZ #teaparty #sgp #tcot #GOP
@jilliancyork: what would you do about #Koch sockpuppets? #tlot #TopProg #Dem #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #sgp
@jilliancyork: what would you do about pseudonymous stalkers like ? #internet #web #facebook #TopProg
"Mystery surrounds loss of records, art on 9/11": #odd #weird #inexplicable #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
@BigGovt thinks is newsworthy for unknown reason. #WeinerGate #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP
Guess: recent outages cuz #Apache log got too large, caused memory problems. Fixed (?) now. #linux #unix #VPS #web #TopProg #tcot #GOP #ocra
Did you miss it? WSJ budget chart is highly misleading: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #Dems #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP
@elerue of #Wonkette thinks the #Spenditol #MILF is #Asian. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #Dems #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #GlennBeck #phnm
Wall Street Journal budget chart is highly misleading: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #Dems #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP
@Maddow couldn't even convince one (1) #teaparty of how patently bogus arguments in Powerline Prize vids are. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #Dems
Powerline Prize winners have incredibly childlike, bogus arguments. But, #p2 #tlot #TopProg #Dem #Dems leaders can't/won't show them wrong.
Powerline winner: Gets $100,000. No, really. #XtremeStoopidity #TeapartyDumb #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
Stan Greenberg is clueless why voters tune out #Dems. I'm all about helping: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GOP #ocra #tpp
@GQRResearch clueless why voters tune out #Dems. I'm all about helping: #immigration #afire #teaparty #sgp #tcot
@rightinillinois: here's a tangible example. What do you think of the #CoffeeParty? #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #phnm
@rightinillinois: there's no other site w/ everything at #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #phnm
@rightinillinois: there are only 2 other sites w/ the like of or #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra
@rightinillinois: dear #dimwit. I used to contribute to Malkin's #immigration blog, Krikorian has linked to me, and on and on. #teaparty #p2
