
Obama's #immigration amnesty might cover more than 300,000. See UPDATE: #afire #tpp #GOP #TopProg #teaparty #sgp
@mikerelm: do you know if Obama's using a green screen? Or, do you know someone who'd know?
Obama Weekly Address: claims he's in #IL, but 90% sure that's #GreenScreen: #fakery #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP
@Zee @Livefyre: thanks!
@zee: the comment:
@zee: why was my (as @peekurldotcom) comment on Twitter/respect post deleted? See
@markdtooley: challenge religious leaders w #immigration #afire #teaparty #sgp #tpp #TopProg #p2 #tlot
@TPCarney relying on luck to defend against race card. #teaparty #GOP #tcot don't have the sanity/skills, so luck it is. #p2 #tlot #TopProg
Obama, Fake 'n' Folksy: Weekly Address verbage hardly matches his policy: #teaparty #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #GOP
Obama, Fake 'n' Folksy: Weekly Address verbage hardly matches his policy: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21
Less bad, more crazy #RonPaul music: #p2 #RONPAUL #tcot #LadyLibertyCries #RONPAUL #teaparty #RONPAUL #ocra #RON
#Acapella crap #folk -ish music for #RonPaul cultists: #p2 #RONPAUL #tcot #RONPAUL #teaparty #RONPAUL #ocra #RONP
More popular crap music for #RonPaul cultists: #p2 #RONPAUL #tcot #RONPAUL #teaparty #RONPAUL #ocra #RONPAUL #RO
#RonPaul cultists now annoy in #PunkRock form, vid: #p2 #RONPAUL #tcot #RONPAUL #teaparty #RONPAUL #ocra #RONPAU
@adamserwer: feel free to look up the black youth labor force participation rate anytime & answer me. Take your time. #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@adamserwer: if fed workers were only 2% black, what would you (& Obama) suggest? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GlennBeck #tpp
@mrdictionary: "mrdictionary": unable to see through Obama & #Dems quest for race-based power despite impact on citizens. #tlot #tcot #ocra
@allisonkilkenny: what's black youth labor force participation rate now vs during 70s-90s? #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #topprog #tcot #sgp
@allisonkilkenny: how are illegal aliens called in the U.S. Code (if you know what that is)? #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #topprog #tcot
Irony: #teaparty pretend to be Only True Obama Opponent, yet have ignored #AffAction & other "social issues". #patriotism! #tcot #ocra #sgp
@timothypmurphy: if fed workers were only 2% black, what would you (& Obama) suggest? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GlennBeck #tpp
@kdrum: if fed workers were only 2% black, what would you (& Obama) suggest? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GlennBeck #ocra #GOP #sgp
@AdamWeinstein: if fed workers were only 2% black, what would you (& Obama) suggest? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GlennBeck #ocra
L/w bloomers bunched over #WashTimes #AffAction editorial: Tell me how wrong. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
Today's top liberal public intellectuals are @Maddow and #JaneaneGarofalo. #ThatsJustSad #tcot #ocra #GOP #teaparty #sgp #tpp #GlennBeck
#p2 #tlot #TopProg: want to oppose #teaparty? Move away from Maddowism, move towards... oh, wait. You have *no* thinkers. #tcot #ocra #GOP
#teaparty wants to lower taxes on rich & raise taxes on poor. #p2 #tlot #topprog #p21 liders so vastly dumb they can't use that against them
@shoq: #p2 #tlot #TopProg leaders so *dumb* they can't discredit #teaparty, who want to *raise* taxes on poor, *lower* on rich. #GlennBeck
@Maddow is so incompetent she can't discredit grp that wants to *raise* taxes on poor & *lower* taxes on rich. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #GOP
#teaparty want to *raise* taxes on poor, *lower* on rich. All #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 leaders can do is play race card. #XtremeStoopidity
#p2 #tlot #TopProg leaders so *dumb* they can't discredit #teaparty, who want to *raise* taxes on poor, *lower* on rich. #AbsoluteStoopidity
There's more people bantering in this game than in the stands. #NFL #preseason #teaparty #ocra #tcot #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #tpp #tlot #TopProg
#NFL #PreSeason is reminding me just how much I missed #banter. #teaparty #ocra #tcot #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #tpp #tlot #TopProg #WeThePeople
Fox just ran a commercial over start of an exciting #PreSeason #NFL #touchdown. #brilliance #teaparty #ocra #tcot #sgp
@1968mike: millions of Americans are out of work, & Obama adds *more* new workers: #teaparty #ocra #tcot #sgp #p2
@jah08: millions of Americans are already unemployed, & Obama adds to their misery: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #GOP
Millions of Americans are already unemployed, and Obama *increases* the labor supply: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21
@TheNewDeal: what's your take on Obama *increasing* labor supply while millions are already unemployed? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #ocra #GOP
@RealSheriffJoe: re: #Birther, see completely fact-based, effective way to deal w/ issue: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@nyctech: How to Reduce Illegal #Immigration guide: Based on 5+ year old post. #afire #tcot #ocra #teaparty #sgp
I'm stuck in #FAPI hell. #drupal
@joethepatriotic: see my tweets to @OFA_LA, @adamserwer, etc. Odd how #teaparty won't help me w/ things like that. #odd #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2
@OFA_LA: what's the black youth labor force participation rate now, compared to during 70s-90s? #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21
Economist reluctantly admits #immigration damaging #Europe: (@plegraine to self-deport?) #afire #TopProg #tlot
#teaparty lacks smart to oppose Obama's amnesty effectively *and* lacks sanity to help those who can oppose effectively. #tcot #GOP #ocra
We don't have an #immigration / amnesty problem. We have a problem w/ the loudest supposed opponents to amnesty being idiots. #tcot #ocra
Obama petition in support of his amnesty: #immigration #afire #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #GOP #GlennBeck
@dmusee: what's the black youth labor force participation rate now, compared to during 70s-90s? #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21
@adamserwer: what's the black youth labor force participation rate now, compared to during 70s-90s? #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg
#Facebook censored #immigration post by @GovBrewer: #Arizona #afire #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tech #GOP
@jefe_viejo @nyctech: confront amnesty fans w/ black youth labor force participation rate (40% 70s-90s, 25% in Jan.) #immigration #TopProg
@johnhawkinsrwn: r/w bloggers, #teaparty, #tcot, & #GOP appointed self to keep bears out of camp, and were shown to be incompetent. #afire
@johnhawkinsrwn: see and understand the Note: #immigration #afire #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #GOP #TopProg
@johnhawkinsrwn: how exactly is Obama's mini amnesty "illegal"? DHS can choose how they enforce laws & emphasis, no? #immigration #afire
@mattyglesias: why do you continue to allow potentially illegal stalking & harassment on your blog? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp
@KLSouth: why didn't I get any #teaparty help w/ *effective* ways to block amnesty? #odd! #immigration #afire #tcot #ocra #GOP #sgp #tpp
Just 70 hits for #teaparty immigration on #Twitter in 24 hours, 140 for #teaparty amnesty. Self-styled "patriots" aren't. #tcot #ocra #GOP
@ToddyLittman: #Teaparty "Patriots" admit #immigration isn't an issue for them: #afire #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #ocra
@ToddyLittman: why didn't #teaparty "Contract from America" & similar mention #immigration at all? #afire #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #ocra #tlot
@ToddyLittman ran away, but here's @Freedomworks' Armey supporting illegal #immigration: #teaparty #tcot #GOP #sgp
@ToddyLittman: #teaparty "patriots" mostly ignored #immigration for 2+ yrs, enabled today's amnesty. #Koch @FreedomWorks #tcot #GOP #tlot
Like Interstates too? #Teaparty "patriots" of 50s would have blocked them as COMMIE conspiracies. #Ike #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2
If we'd had #teaparty in the 30s, ppl in U.S. would just speak one language! (German). #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #phnm
If we'd had #teaparty in the 30s, U.S. would now be bilingual! (Japanese and German). #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #phnm
@drmatthew: #teaparty "patriots" of past would've blocked man on moon, Internet, und wir wrdn jtxt sprechen Deutsch. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GOP
@csteventucker: #teaparty "patriots" mostly ignored #immigration for 2+ yrs, enabled today's amnesty. #Koch @FreedomWorks #tcot #GOP #tlot
@joannemoretti: #teaparty "patriots" mostly ignored #immigration for 2+ yrs, enabled today's amnesty. #Koch @FreedomWorks #tcot #GOP #tlot
@ChristineOD is #Teaparty. #Teaparty is @ChristineOD (minus the cute-as-a-button etc.) #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #phnm
Reminder: @ChristineOD (disclaimer: cute as a button, etc.) is the #teaparty dream candidate. #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck
@LittleBettina is HotAir's pointgal on today's amnesty. #DeepBench #PublicService #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #teaparty
To clarify, #teaparty aren't just dumb. They're also pathological liars. #HTH #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2 #GlennBeck #WeThePeople
@mboyle1: #teaparty patriots obsess over #app, ignore/enable etc. #afire #tcot #TopProg
@austinscottga08 is yet another bogus #teaparty "patriot": #immigration #afire #tcot #GOP #ocra #TopProg #p2 #sgp
@mboyle1: Scientologists, Raelians, or LaRouchians would send man to moon before #Teaparty used tools. #tcot #TopProg #tlot #ocra #sgp #p2
@mboyle1: I know you're 20 or something, but have you ever *heard* of a dumber major political group than #Teaparty? Name one. #tcot #tlot
@StandWithAZ: find smart lawyer to discredit amnesty supporters using #immigration #afire #teaparty
@StandWithAZ: my ideas + your Facebook followers could have put a dent in amnesty. Where were you? #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot #sgp
#Trivia Challenge: in which decade was Janeane Garofalo last GNDish? #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tcot #GlennBeck #tlot #p2 #TopProg #WeThePeople
Obama to give work permits to illegal aliens w/ millions of Americans unemployed: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #p21 #tcot
Janeane Garofalo rants on #teaparty: Helps them by not grokking: *they're just about money*. #p2 #tlot #TopProg
All your Janeane Garofalo questions answered: #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tcot #GlennBeck #tlot #p2
#Teaparty isn't even smart enough to show how Janeane Garofalo is wrong. #JaneaneGarofalo #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tcot #GlennBeck #tlot #p2
Oppose amnesty? The #Teaparty "Patriots" aren't your friend: #afire #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tcot #GlennBeck #tlot
#teaparty "patriots" mostly ignored #immigration for 2+ years, paving the way for Obama's mini-amnesty. #afire #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tcot
Self-styled #teaparty "patriots" completely failed to prevent Obama declaring mini-amnesty: they've mostly ignored immigration for 2+ years.
Obama declares mini-amnesty for up to 300,000. Some will get work permits: #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot
@GovernorPerry quizzed about evolution by mom's kid puppet: #bravery #AbjectStupidity #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
Obama admin acts like paid #Koch hacks on #immigration: #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg #libertarian #GlennBeck #ocra
Obama admin rushes to do U.S. Chamber's bidding on #immigration: #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GOP
@alex_wags: I'm confused. Are you a U.S. Chamber maid or just bad reporter? [3]: #HuffPost #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@alex_wags: be less of a US Chamber maid, ask Mayorkas about #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@alex_wags ~retails Chamber of Commerce propaganda @ HuffPo: At least doesn't ask questions. #immigration #afire
@PeterUlsteen: A = B & B = C. Ergo, A = C. #transitive. You (correct me if wrong) agree w/ @shikhadalmia & she's idiot. Ergo, you idiot. #p2
That Bieber vid is pretty funny/creepy. I was going to joke @GregGutfeld made it, but I got nice. #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #TopProg
@leefaver: ..especially since ACLU lost $20 million/year funder in 2009: #Koch #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot
@leefaver: #Koch giving ACLU $10 million to oppose PatriotAct frees up money for ACLU to oppose #immigration laws. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
Great new #JustinBieber vid: #Bieber #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #BieberFever #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GlennBeck
@PeterUlsteen is transitively an idiot: #immigration #afire #ocra #teaparty #tcot #p2 #tlot #TopProg #sgp
#YouTube Town Hall: bogus debates between those on basically the same side: #p2 #tlot #topProg #ocra #GOP #sgp
#YouTube Town Hall: bogus debates between those on basically the same side: #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot
