
Apparently cops just wanted tent keeping rain out of #owslibrary. Thankfully, most #OccupyWallStreet use indelible crayon. #OWS #TopProg #p2
@lemonyfreshk: frinstance, tweeting this to high #immigration hacks w/ goal of discrediting them: #teaparty #sgp
@lemonyfreshk: and, of course, there's the endless tweets & posts discrediting those who aren't helping w/ #unemployment. #teaparty #sgp #p2
@lemonyfreshk: while you promote foreign competition for American jobs, I've spent lots of time promoting #sgp #p2
Apparently NYPD trying to seize books from #OWSLibrary. Dr. Seuss' publishers are rushing to scene... #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #OWS #sgp
@nyclu: the best, most subversive, and most effective way #lawyers can help #OccupyWallStreet: #OWS #legal #law #tlot
Darn, I forgot Chowchilla. #OccupyWallStreet
#OccupyWallStreet: live feeds from #OccupyTaft #OccupyManteca #OccupyStockton #OccupyPumpkinCenter #OccupyButtonwillow right here: http://
@lemonyfreshk: your mindset & that of article isn't exactly "let's get *Americans* working". #libertarian #teaparty #tcot #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@lemonyfreshk: example of #libertarian "loyalty" to fellow citizens: #teaparty #tcot #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #sgp
@lemonyfreshk: #libertarian & even the good kind of nationalism don't mix: libertarians are globalists. #teaparty #tcot #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@lemonyfreshk: AFAIK, you can start an LLC using an ITIN (SSN-like #s used by illegal aliens): #immigration #tcot
@lemonyfreshk: instead of hyping foreign citizens working in US, help my fellow citizens get jobs. #immigration #afire #p2 #tlot #teaparty
@lemonyfreshk: the post says they could be legal or illegal immigrants & also says they're "Mexican" which I assume means not US citizens.
@terichristoph: should I assume you can't name any ways #SGP has helped reduce illegal #immigration? #afire #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #tlot
Fact: 1000 #IAmThe53 types tweeting randomly will eventually create a Dickens short story. #FunFact #teaparty #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GOP #tcot
@lemonyfreshk hypes foreign citizens who were competing w/ my fellow citizens for jobs. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #immigration #teaparty #sgp
@lemonyfreshk is a good example of why to oppose #teaparty / #libertarian #ProfitsAtAnyPrice types. #immigration #afire #sgp #tcot #p2 #tlot
@cordjefferson: legal or not, you're promoting foreign citizens who were competing w/ my fellow citizens for jobs. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@cordjefferson: ever heard of an ITIN number, genius? #immigration #afire #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg
#OccupyPortland: challenging the elites in the way they fear costs little: #BrainsNotBongs #OccupyWallStreet #TopProg
#OccupyPortland might have lost $20,000 in donations: #doh #derp #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty
#OccupyMadawaska enters Day 23! #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyLA #p2 #tlot #Canada #CanadaIsOurs #TopProg #InvadeCanada #Teaparty #tcot #ocra
#OccupyWallStreet: live feeds from #OccupyAlamogordo #OccupyLordsburg #OccupyMountWashington #OccupyNewburgh #OccupyMountDavis here: http://
@auriandra: #OccupyWallStreet has no clue about challenging elites for real: #OWS #TopProg #tlot #OWS #OccupyOakland
RT @kwbroom: Occupy Oakland General Assembly proposes a CITY-WIDE general strike! // #NoComment #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #teaparty
#OccupyWallStreet: smart enuf for #Columbia, dumb enuf to think evading cop barrier is an achievement. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #teaparty
#OccupyWallStreet: Bloomberg is highly discreditable in impromptu #immigration debate for Youtube. You just camp in a park. #OWS #tlot #sgp
#OccupyWallStreet: elites are *extremely* vulnerable to good arguments on range of topics, esp. #immigration. You just camp. #OWS #tlot #sgp
#OccupyWallStreet: when you get smart, challenge the elites in the way they fear, intellectually: #OWS #TopProg #tlot
#OccupyWallStreet radicalism will cost them any MSM/political support & much of what popular support they had. #doh #derp #OWS #TopProg #p2
Santa visits #OccupyWallStreet: #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #BongsForKids #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #sgp #tpp #phnm
~BREAKING~: #OccupyMountWashington protesters need heavy coats for winter. #OccupyWallStreet #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #sgp
Fight the power, comrades! #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyAtlanta #OccupyOakland #OccupyAlamogordo #OccupyLordsburg #OccupyMountWashington #tcot
#OccupyWallStreet: if there are smart grown-ups who want to take on the elites for real, see the plan I've tweeted dozens of times. #OWS #p2
#OccupyWallStreet: is there anything dumber than thinking that tactically outsmarting cops is a big achievement? Get kicks another way. #p2
RT @TorianBrown: #OccupyWallStreet tactically outsmarted police tonight. Marching against traffic & stealing NYPD netting.. //#Idiocracy #p2
Fight the power, comrades! #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyAtlanta #OccupyOakland #OccupyMDI #OccupyMadawaska #OccupyHoulton #OccupyFortKent #tcot
#GOP #tcot to visit Zuccotti Park w/ giant TV vans playing #FiringLine to redirect #OccupyWallStreet. I kid! GOP #teaparty as bad as #OWS
#OccupyWallStreet: want to keep elites in check? Find smart ppl to engage them *intellectually*: #OWS #tlot #OccupyLA
@derekahunter: are many illegal aliens doing jobs that nationwide #OccupyWallStreet protesters could be doing? #immigration #tlot #tcot #GOP
Fight the power, comrades! #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyAtlanta #OccupyOakland #OccupyNewburgh #OccupyFontana #OccupyFortStockton #OccupyArcata
#OccupyWallStreet: how do your methods differ from those of billionaires? Why are you doing dumb things they'd never do? #OWS #tlot #tcot
#OccupyWallStreet: would Lloyd Blankfein camp out for gov't giveaways? No: he uses his brain, you don't. #OWS #OccupyLA #OccupyBoston #ocra
#OccupyWallStreet is getting even sadder. Tip: Blankfein doesn't camp or march. Get smart: #p2 #tlot #sgp #tcot #OWS
@stevedrz can't see what's wrong w/ "don't distribute my wealth, distribute my work ethic" slogan. #IAmThe53 #OccupyWallStreet #tcot #tlot
#IAmThe53 is wrong for U.S. & wrong for the #GOP. Detailed explanation: #sgp #teaparty #tcot #tlot #p2 #OWS #tpp
John & Ken from @KFIAM640 will be at #OccupyLA broadcasting live tmrw 3-6pm Pacific. Expect arguments. #OccupyWallStreet #teaparty #tcot #p2
If #GOP made working poor poorer, they'd have to work harder & might stop mooching! #IAmThe53 #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tlot #OccupyWallStreet
Lazy mooching elderly disabled vets are the worst! #IAmThe53 #GOP! #GOP! #GOP! #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OccupyWallStreet #sgp
#OccupyLA: challenge elites w/ *brains*, not bongs: #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #sgp #tcot #OWS #teaparty #ocra #phnm
Note to #OccupyLA: @villaraigosa was fake *long* before you camped out. #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #sgp #tcot #OWS #teaparty #ocra #phnm
#OccupyLA might be moved to out-of-way parking lot. #doh #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #sgp #tcot #OWS #teaparty #ocra #GlennBeck
@villaraigosa wants #OccupyLA kids off his lawn: #OWS: time to act smart. #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #sgp #tcot
#IAmThe53 is a #libertarian concept, & #libertarians mostly support loose borders. Do you support loose borders, #Teaparty? #tcot #GOP #ocra
# of #IAmThe53 #teaparty types who've pushed #immigration enforcement to free up jobs is close to 0. #PatriotsInNameOnly #OWS #TopProg #tcot
Hey, Job Creator: you wanted that parking space near the door, but a disabled vet moocher got it instead. #iamthe53 #tcot #GOP #OWS #p2 #sgp
RT @hawkman85 #iamthe53 [..] Why do we encourage those who do nothing, make them work // #amen! #workhouses #gruel #DisabledMoochers #tlot
RT @mtgrove [...] #Iamthe53 & I am tired of taking care of the 47% that give ZERO // #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OccupyWallStreet #OWS #GOP #tcot
New #teaparty #libertarian -ified #GOP slogan: "Got gruel?" #IAmThe53 #teaparty #tcot #occupywallstreet #p2 #tlot #sgp #ocra #tpp #GlennBeck
Churches handling all charities worked in the #MiddleAges, and it'll work again! #IAmThe53 #teaparty #tcot #occupywallstreet #p2 #tlot #sgp
#WorldSeries Game 6 (aka GWB/Rangers loss) is *Thursday* due to rain, AP vid: #wimps #teaparty #tcot #p2 #TopProg
@GOP: is the #IAmThe53 implicit attack on elderly/disabled/vets/working poor the message you want? #teaparty #tcot #ocra #TopProg #OWS #sgp
Napolitano asked about weakening #immigration enforcement today, vid: @reptimgriffin #afire #tcot #TopProg #tlot
@GOP: is @keder @EWErickson implicit attack on elderly/disabled/vets/working poor via #IAmThe53 a good idea? #teaparty #tcot #ocra #TopProg
#OccupyWallStreet hippies: either do yard work for #IAmThe53, or we're bringing back workhouses! #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #GOP #tcot
Lazy moochers should be required to do unpaid work for #IAmThe53 to make up for how they mooch. #OccupyWallStreet #teaparty #tlot #GOP #sgp
Hey, #OccupyWallStreet hippies: @EWErickson supports you, the least thing you can do is some yard work for him! #IAmThe53 #tcot #GOP #tlot
#Teaparty #IAmThe53 flashback: shouts "yeah!" to letting uninsured die: #GOP #tcot #OWS #tlot #OccupyWallStreet
The elderly, vets, the disabled, the working poor, disabled vets..
@rcade: what do you think of Imagine2050 & similar groups? #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #OccupyWallStreet #tlot #GlennBeck
@shani_o: is Pat Buchanan right or wrong? #immigration #afire #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #OccupyWallStreet #tlot
#IAmThe53 used to be #FYouIveGotMine, but that was hard to pronounce. #p2 #tlot #occupywallstreet #TopProg #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #GOP
Bible-thumpers make me sick. "The least among us" are worthless moochers! #IAmThe53 #GOP #teaparty #tcot #p2 #occupywallstreet #TopProg #sgp
#Teaparty #IAmThe53 patriots show how to deal with moochers! #GOP #OccupyWallStreet #tlot #TopProg #Catholic #sgp
Poll: 93% chose #OWS (Phish concert) over #IAmThe53 (whining about elderly disabled vet moochers). #p2 #TopProg #tcot #GOP #OccupyWallStreet
If the "working poor" were "poorer", they'd work harder and might stop mooching! #IAmThe53 #GOP #teaparty #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #sgp #ocra
Parking spaces near the door should be for Job Creators, not disabled moochers! #IAmThe53 #teaparty #tcot #GOP #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #sgp
#IAmThe53 is sick of the #disabled & all their perks: ramps, ADA, on & on! #teaparty #GOP #sgp will fix their moocher a**es! #p2 #TopProg
#IAmThe53 is sick of disabled vets whining on & on. Get a job, you moochers! #teaparty #tcot #GOP @WillsRazor #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GlennBeck
*New* #GOP slogan, via #IAmThe53: "We've got jobs & you don't, you lazy welfare cheats!" #NeedsTuning #tcot #teaparty #ocra #TopProg #tlot
Wealth distribution pie chart video: #OccupyWallStreet #teaparty #GOP #tcot #TopProg #p2 #IAmThe53 #tlot #OWS
Why #IAmThe53 is wrong: #GOP #tcot #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #OccupyWallStreet #OWS #GlennBeck #sgp #tpp
@aactionnetwork: are many illegal aliens doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing? #Obamavilles #teaparty #tcot #GOP #TopProg #p2
Gingrich on #OccupyWallStreet & anti-Semitism: #Teaparty #intellectual #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP #sgp #ocra
Scientists invent #SuperBroccoli, AP vid: #broccoli #health #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tlot #p2 #OWS #phnm
Media loses interest in #OccupyWallStreet: #OWS needs a Second Act: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@terichristoph: what are the smartest things #SGP has done to reduce illegal #immigration? #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tlot #p2 #afire
@conncarroll: #Obamavilles lider Holtz-Eakin wants mass low-skilled #immigration. What about you? #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tlot #p2
#Obamavilles vid is example of the #immigration #afire #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #TopProg #libertarian
#Obamavilles vid: another lider is fmr chair of #immigration #afire #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #TopProg
#Obamavilles vid: another lider is amnesty fan #immigration #afire #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #TopProg
#Obamavilles vid lider Holtz-Eakin wants mass #immigration of low-skilled ppl (May '11). #afire #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #TopProg #p2
OK, I'm supposed to tweet w/ #Obamavilles? Did I get it right, #GOP #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp? #TopProg #p2 #ocra
#OccupyWallStreet: do elites act smart, yes or no? Is camping in public park smart like elites, yes or no? See last tweet. #OaklandPD #tlot
#OccupyWallStreet: seriously, when you want to oppose elites *for real*, just do this: #OaklandPD #TopProg #p2 #tlot
Real #OccupyWallStreet lider addresses #OccupyBoston: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #GOP
#OccupyWallStreet & #teaparty *tactics* are giant milestones on Road to #Idiocracy. #OaklandPD #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #sgp #GOP #tpp #phnm
#OccupyWallStreet clearly has no idea how *incredibly* vulnerable elites are to tough questions & debate. #OaklandPD #teaparty #tlot #OWS
