
@trishcuit: regarding unmanned border crossing, see my tweets today.
Patriotism, #Teaparty style: mostly ignoring the anti-American #immigration #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #OWS #tlot
Patriotism, #Teaparty style: pushing fringe ideas even most TPers wouldn't want if they knew anything. #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp #tpp #OWS #tlot
#Teaparty pretend-patriots & r/w bloggers mostly ignore #Dems depriving citizens of college w/ anti-American #DREAMAct. #immigration #OWS
#Teaparty outrage on unmanned border crossing but ignore . #immigration #tcot #OWS #sgp #tpp #GOP
#Teaparty riled up about unmanned border crossing, but ignores . #immigration #tcot #OWS #ocra #sgp #tpp #GOP
There *could* be ulterior motive to unmanned border crossing, but I'm not sensing it and I'm pretty good at that. #immigration #teaparty #p2
I'm not (now) worried about unmanned border crossing w/ Mexico, & I'm far stronger on #immigration than #teaparty #tcot #GOP #sgp combined.
#IACaucus #Iowa #GOP debate open thread, leave disqus comments now or later: #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp #OWS #tlot
Scratch that: tuna sandwiches have dolphin, so they're smarter than #Teaparty. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #PETA #OWS #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #GlennBeck
If #Teaparty were smart, they'd help me fight #NPR on #immigration. Fat chance: I might as well ask half a tuna sandwich to help. #tcot #sgp
@Zengerle helped keep black Katrina victims out of rebuilding jobs: #NewOrleans #p2 #tlot #tcot #sgp #OWS #TopProg
Katrina rebuilding jobs should have gone to (mostly black) locals. Bush *and* #Dems helped illegal aliens take those jobs. #p2 #OWS #TopProg
#NPR celebrates illegal aliens throwing black Katrina victims out of work: #immigration #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS
@benberkowitz: if @JoseIsWriting needed money to continue his #immigration crusade, who could he turn to for funding? #p2 #tlot #tcot #OWS
If you support mass/illegal #immigration, you're enriching the 1% and harming the 99%. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #sgp #OWS #OccupyWallStreet
@JoseIsWriting and other loose border hacks' policies enable corrupt banks: #OWS #OccupyWallStreet
@AnnLupo: @JoseIsWriting wants truth-telling on #immigration? Thanks for the laugh: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot
@brendanhoffman: why does @JoseIsWriting support depriving citizens of college? #OWS #p2 #immigration #tcot #sgp #tpp
@paleomedia thinks @JoseIsWriting "afflicts the comfy". #LOL: #immigration #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #sgp
@gabrielsherman: if Mitt can't take & turn around a question from lightweight like @JoseIsWriting... #GOP #tcot #teaparty #p2 #OWS #tlot
@gabrielsherman: @JoseIsWriting is a complete lightweight. Surprised moneymen haven't replaced him w/ another sockpuppet yet. #immigration
@BlogDiva: any comment on h4ck3r buds of #OWS posting the names of cops' *kids*? #OccupyWallStreet #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #sgp
Guess: lighting all the #menorah candles at one time would be like chugging the #Communion wine. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #sgp #tpp #OWS
#OccupyLA fans release names of LAPD staff's kids: #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp #tpp
@OFA_CO: why does Obama support depriving citizens of college? #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #immigration #tcot #sgp #tpp
@OFA_CO: what would happen to illegal aliens who have kids here *after* comprehensive #immigration reform? #p2 #tlot #tcot #ocra #GOP #sgp
@OFA_CO: you answered my first question, how about giving my second and third a try? #immigration #p2 #tlot #tcot #sgp #tpp #OWS #teaparty
@Schineman: but, thanks for chronicling what happens to #teaparty cuz they're too dumb/nuts to prevent it. #p2 #tlot #tcot #sgp #tpp #OWS
@Schineman: #Teaparty #GOP has no fix for #MuppetLily that isn't simply cloaked attempt to make rich richer. #p2 #tlot #tcot #sgp #tpp #OWS
@Schineman: #Teaparty sociopaths to food insecure muppet: let her eat felt! #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #OWS #GlennBeck
Low-watt #teaparty parody of #MuppetLily: No solutions,just cold shoulder for struggling Americans. #GOP #p2 #OWS
@michacardenas: could #OccupyData explain these charts? Of course not: they don't care. #OWS #p2 #tlot #Dems #GOP
@supermanhotmale: fans of #OccupyLA go after *kids* of #LAPD officers, publish their names. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp
#TinFoil? #OWS & #Teaparty both blow off steam, but at the end of the day and in effect: they help the elites. #curious #p2 #tlot #GOP #sgp
#Occupier arrested for shooting 3: #Raleigh #NorthCarolina @Bitchiest #teaparty #tcot #ocra #sgp #tpp #tlot #OWS
Shorter @katsylver & @mattsilberman: "don't try to trick me into not stepping on that rake! Iz too smart for you!" #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg
Live cam of #OccupyBoston leader (?) #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #GOP #GlennBeck #OWS
Has #TheComet come for #OccupyBoston yet? #BlackNikeTime #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra #GOP #GlennBeck #phnm #OWS
#OWS & #Teaparty aren't just intensely stupid *directly*, they're also so stupid they can't take constructive criticism. #Idiocracy #sgp #p2
@katsylver: you (no big surprise) misunderstood. #OWS & #Teaparty lacking smarts/sanity to take on elites affects me, so cogitate. #p2 #tcot
#Twitter, #Facebook allow intensely stupid people to find one another, incoherently shout as one: #OWS & #Teaparty. #tcot #GOP #tlot #ocra
Past 3 years has seen 2, extremely ineffective major political groups marked by intense stupidity: #Teaparty & #OWS. #odd #tcot #GOP #tlot
I've said this repeatedly, but: #OWS acts fake: kids blow off steam but don't challenge elites at all. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #ocra
If #OWS were challenging elites for real in mainstream ways, elites (MSM, pols) wouldn't support them. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
#OWS leaders might be real, albeit unbelievably stupid. Elites amplify that stupidity to make OWS ineffective-er? #p2 #tlot #TopProg #ocra
What mighta happened: elites took advantage of #OWS leaders' stupidity. Explains elite support (@KatrinaNation etc). #p2 #tlot #tcot #GOP
I only have two explanations for #OWS camping obsession: they're either incredibly stupid, or they're fake. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP
"WallStreet controls Congress. Therefore, I'll dye my hair blue."
"This #JackInTheBox taco is bad. Therefore, I'll drive to #Duluth."
@katsylver: "I got bad service at #WalMart. I'll live in a shack in #Montana."
@katsylver: so, #OWS response to #WallStreet lobbying Congress is to live in a park? That's just stupid. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
@thefuminglib: how so, geenyus? If you have an argument against spell it out. #immigration #OWS #p2 #tlot #MASen
@yesmagazine: with which cult are you associated? Do you like Formula 1? #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP #teaparty #sgp #tpp #ocra
Is there some sort of cult or something behind yesmagazine? I know there's something like that somewhere. #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot #GOP
@nathanairplane: is violence always physical?
@McBlondeLand: is Elizabeth Warren fake or just stupid? #immigration #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #MASen #tcot #GOP
Even racial power group backed off going after kids of opponents: Not so #OccupyLA fans. #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@BlogDiva: I know you're a criminal supporter, but do you draw the line at going after the kids of LAPD officers? #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg
#OccupyLA fans go after kids of #LAPD officers. Even #Teaparty loons don't do things like that. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OccupyWallStreet #OWS
Fans of #OccupyLA post names of *kids* of #LAPD officers. #Teaparty #tcot #GOP #sgp #tpp #ocra: use that against #OWS #OccupyWallStreet.
Reminder: @DLoesch red-baited anyone who disagrees with #Teaparty: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #GOP #ocra #sgp
@grace_lightning: real reasons Obama should fire her: #immigration #OWS #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #sgp
@grace_lightning: real reasons Obama should fire her: #immigration #OWS #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot
@grace_lightning: maybe Obama should fire Holder, Nap, Solis,.. because he puts US first? #ha #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #ocra
~AP URGENT BREAKING NEWS~ How Kelly Osbourne learned #Santa doesn't exist: #p2 #teaparty #OWS #sgp #tlot #tcot
#Teaparty in #SoCal? Quickly & easily sign the petition against the anti-American DREAM Act today: #sgp #GOP #CAGOP
#RanchoCucamonga #HuntingtonBeach #Fullerton #Glendora: sign petition against the anti-American DREAM Act today:
#Murrieta #Highland #Victorville #Orange: petition signing locations against the anti-American DREAM Act today:
#Corona #LagunaNiguel #StevensonRanch: petition signing locations against the anti-American DREAM Act today:
Locations to *easily* sign petitions against #California DREAM Act: #LosAngeles #OrangeCounty #Hesperia #LongBeach
Friends of #OccupyLA post names of LAPD command staff's *kids* online. #Stasi #LilFascists #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #OccupyWallStreet #tcot
I wonder how many people think that buying a name through #Godaddy means you have to get hosting through them too. #p2 #tlot #OWS #tcot #sgp
@Ombudsman: #NPR broadcast a planted, cookie-cutter #immigration story, see recent @TellMeMoreNPR tweets. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #GOP
@SchumacherMatos: see my @TellMeMoreNPR tweets. Address this issue or I'll have to file a FOIA request to find who planted that story.
If @TellMeMoreNPR did real reporting, they'd expose whoever planted that #immigration story. #PBS #NPR #OWS #teaparty #tcot #GOP #sgp #tlot
#Mythbusters hosts tour damage they caused: #teaparty #p2 #sgp #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #Dublin #EastBay #GOP
American gets 2.5 years for insulting Thai king. No, really: #Thailand #teaparty #p2 #sgp #tlot #TopProg #OWS
@TellMeMoreNPR doesn't do real reporting, just pro-illegal #immigration propaganda. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #GOP #sgp #teaparty #tpp
For years, MSM has published highly-similar pro-illegal #immigration puff pieces. Look at this: #p2 #tlot #OWS
@TellMeMoreNPR story is Cookie-cutter illegal #immigration propaganda. #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #GOP #sgp
@TellMeMoreNPR continues hyping illegal #immigration: (*see next tweet*) #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #GOP #sgp
I have a feeling @OFA_CO isn't going to answer *those* questions. #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #immigration #tcot #sgp #tpp #OccupyWallStreet
@OFA_CO: also, what would happen to illegal aliens who have kids here *after* comprehensive #immigration reform? #p2 #tlot #tcot #ocra #GOP
@OFA_CO: so, why does Obama support depriving citizens of college? #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #immigration #tcot #sgp #tpp
RT @OFA_CO Un muro electrificado, la separación de familias que han vivido en este país por décadas…¡Ya Basta! // #teaparty #tcot #ocra #sgp
@clint: hi Clint, do you know if Obama supports the #DREAMAct?
@ofa_co: hi! Does Obama support the #DREAMAct?
@elise_foley: likewise, not 110% of #NorthPole trekkers get cold & wet. #immigration #p2 #sgp #OWS #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #tcot #ocra
@elise_foley: in most cases, illegal aliens will have broken a series of fed/state laws. Sure, not 110% are criminals. #immigration #p2 #sgp
Years ago, some #Dem leaders *opposed* illegal #immigration, like Harry Reid: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #tcot #ocra
It's both hilarious & sad how the corrupt can get #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS to support worker abuse & lowering wages via #immigration. #tcot
@ahdictionary: have you ever caved to those who *support* our #immigration laws rather than those paid to oppose them? #teaparty #tcot #sgp
@lizcgoodwin misses good ol' days when crooks could use child labor, abuse workers. #Postville #immigration #OWS #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tcot
@lizcgoodwin pines for good ol' days of child labor. See then her: #OWS #p2 #tlot
@suzykhimm: Obama should strongly enforce #immigration laws, but he won't & for political gain. Isn't that corruption? #p2 #tlot #OWS #tcot
Scott Brown fan? Ask Elizabeth Warren about her possibly being fake: #MASen #teaparty #tcot #ocra #GOP #sgp #tpp
@EricBoehlert: @liberty_chick is like Breitbart's Gollum: #creepy #catwoman #stalker #p2 #tlot #TopProg #OWS #sgp
