
"Believe it or not, cat cafés are increasingly popular throughout the world — Tokyo has more than one hundred!"
"Lounge alongside some furry felines: they form the foundation of a space full of harmony, purity, respect, and tranquility."
"KitTea will be a relaxing tea house where you can sip on exotic blends, sustainably sourced from around the world."
Questions asked near the end of a civilization: What is a "cat tea house"? #idiocracy #teaparty #tcot #ows #uniteblue
.@HaynesParker1 @paulbenedict7: Obama might declare amnesty before Nov. So, it'd be better to help me stop amnesty *now*. #tcot #teaparty
MT @blackenedwisdom If USA was only place to survive a cataclysmic event.#Conservatives would tell non citizens to [ESAD].// #idiocracy #sgp
.@WebsterGTarpley: Kashkari smeared me on the radio for asking him tough policy questions:
ThinkProgress writers are dumb, doctrinaire punks anyone should be able to show wrong. All top r/w bloggers together can't. #derp #tcot #sgp
.@patrickoakford: if you won't answer if there are downsides to deferred action, I'll ask it in form of a post about you. #immigration #tcot
.@mpg25mary: search my feed for "boxed-in" (not far back). Kashkari can be trained that supporting amnesty/etc. is bad for his cmpgn. #tcot
.@BobG231: take that to the next level. Use my techniques to separate some in Dem base from their leaders. #immigration #tcot #teaparty
.@FirebaughNorman: as I told you 1 month ago, we have to defeat the *concept* of amnesty. Help with my campaigns to do that. #tcot #teaparty
.@Sassypaws @Rene_gadeCowboy: ask *Obama fans* why Obama's taking #immigration "wish lists" (per the NYT) from Big Biz. What's Big Biz want?
What's the world coming to when hackers hack the wrong Rachel Nichols? #CNN #tcot #teaparty #ows
.@shannonfarren: how will #KFI listeners react when they realize J&K fave Kashkari supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens?
The Adobe Premiere I had on a Centris 650 (discontinued 1993) was much more advanced than the two movie makers I've used on #Linux. #Ubuntu
Trying to make movies on #Linux is similar to what it would have been like on Windows 95. #Ubuntu #fail
Neel Kashkari admits he would have signed same bill as Brown giving illegal aliens driver's licenses: #tcot #GOP
Gotta get Cesar Milan on politicians, show them who's the alpha dog. #immigration #tcot #teaparty #ows
Pols need to be trained: do bad, get a drop in polls, opponent rises in polls, etc. Do good, get a treat. #immigration #tcot #teaparty #ows
.@rockstarjoeg @Richa_Kaul: I'm not promoting Brown. I want to box in Brown and Kash. Search my feed for "boxed-in". #immigration #tcot #gop
MT Richa_Kaul on his Kashkari observation: "NOT promoting anyone! Just an observation"
.@MeganSmiles: you're welcome to prove me wrong. Get Kashkari to finally answer my questions: #tcot #teaparty
.@MeganSmiles: on #KFI, Kashkari said there'd be enough jobs for all in CA - including illegal aliens - if we fixed the water problems. #gop
.@MeganSmiles: *every* politician is "anti-amnesty", that's one of the tricks they use. E.g., McCain: #tcot #gop
Idiot at Breitbart replies to me with stock "if I break into your house?" talking point. #idiocracy #immigration #tcot #teaparty
.@Richa_Kaul: Kashkari isn't capable of answering tough policy questions: He gives $3 bills a bad name. #tcot
.@rockstarjoeg: Rubenstein isn't credible. Kashkari is not capable of answering tough policy questions: He's fake
.@cicecandy @mkmknani: the "boxed-in" versions mean the candidate, but trained like a dog to be good on #immigration. #tcot #teaparty #sgp
.@cicecandy @mkmknani: there are *four* candidates in #CA race: Kash, boxed-in Kash, Brown, boxed-in Brown. You need to realize that. #tcot
♬ ISIS? I say arm the Kurds just because of her: #MusicThursday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #gop ♬
.@RealDeanCain: you owe it to your reputation & to USA to show me wrong. Ask Kashkari one of my questions, get an answer. #immigration
♬ Maniacs / Natalie Merchant - Painted Desert: #CADebate #MusicThursday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #gop ♬
♬ Don't Be Sheeple: #CADebate #California #MusicThursday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue ♬
.@BillHalldin: Kashkari would - just like Brown - spend billions on illegal aliens. Don't be fooled by @EliRubenstein. #CADebate #tcot #gop
♬ Cecile Corbel - Painted Veil: #ChangeUp #MusicThursday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@RealDeanCain: I know when someone is fake, and Kashkari puts the fake in fake. If he were qualified he could answer my questions. He can't
.@RealDeanCain: I think you should spend a couple hours reading my site. I've written 1000s of posts about #immigration since 2002.
.@blowticious: please leave me alone.
♬ Rammstein - Buck Dich: If you're MSM, that's you. #MusicThursday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize that I'm actually chatting with a washed-up actor who played Superman on TV. #CADebate #tcot #p2
.@RealDeanCain: you think it's OK Kashkari is incapable of answering my #immigration policy questions? That's the kind of leader you want?
♬ Creepy Obama cult flashback: #MusicThursday #Rammstein #NowPlaying #CADebate #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
♬ Rammstein - Sonne: #MusicThursday #MuzikThorsdag #NowPlaying #CADebate #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@blowticious: USChamber is one of the key promoters of #immigration reform. Says a lot about you that you're on their side. #ows #uniteblue
.@UtraveliWork @Rockprincess818: call out Kashkari for smearing me for asking him tough #immigration questions:
.@MichelleFriz: hi Michelle, are you in Kashkari's pay? Will end up being a PR nightmare for him? #CADebate #GOP
♬ Rammstein - Amerika: #MusicThursday #MuzikThorsdag #NowPlaying #CADebate #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@StewartCustoms @burgbill: if you can't not vote Kashkari, then at least make it impossible for him to push his GWB/Obama-like policies.
.@StewartCustoms @burgbill: on #immigration, Kashkari would do nearly everything Brown has done. Better idea: put K in a box on #immigration
RT @_DaleGribble_ SHASHASHAA!!!
.@RealDeanCain: the questions I asked: Kashkari smearing me for asking them:
.@noellenikpour: what think you about Jerry Brown smearing me on the radio for asking him tough policy questions? Is that mentally stable?
Listen to @NeelKashkari smear me on the radio for asking him policy questions: He's not stable. #CADebate #tcot
.@burgbill @StewartCustoms: Kashkari is a BushBot. He's very weak on #immigration: #CADebate #California #tcot
RT @_DaleGribble_ I'm your worst nightmare, I have three-line phone and plenty of time to kill! // #Twitter #suspension #TGDN
.@gburton: you can do better. #CADebate = WWE. Real debate would demand Kashkari answers real questions: #sgp #oo
.@21Trillion_2016 @HouseCracka: Kashkari is one of the most fake pols I've ever seen: #CADebate #CA #tcot
.@VerbalHarpoon: @NeelKashkari refused to answer my tough policy questions: He's not qualified. #CADebate #tcot
.@Ryanexpress77 @colleencpa @WAGNERGIRLE: in June I asked Kashkari tough #immigration Q's: Time to help w/ that.
Once The Psychologists take over, I won't have to use asterix or tweet much at all. I'll just nod & wink and it will be done. #tcot #ows
.@joewo: if you want to undercut Kashkari *to his base*, point out how bad he is on #immigration *to them*: #ows
.@KristinOlsenCA: Megerian won't do his job: Kashkari smeared me for asking about policy. I suggest you reevaluate.
.@tedstew: what's important to US and #CA is *policy*, not superficial stuff. Raise the bar & call Kashkari out:
.@RobArcher: Kashkari smeared me on #KMJ for asking him tough #immigration questions: Will you call him out?
.@itsweezie @SovernNation: plastic bag ban is very minor issue compared to immigration. Kashkari refused to answer my tough Q's about that.
If a "United Artists" (aplusk, Bieber, etc.) decided to move to another service Twitter would turn into MySpace in a month. #tcot #ows #TGDN
Whoever's calling the shots at #Twitter on my suspension isn't too smart.
#Twitter suspending me & giving me silent treatment after 5 years & over petitioning govt will hopefully become a PR nightmare for them.
.@TxSeadog @MeganSmiles: Kashkari refused to answer my tough #immigration questions: He's not qualified. #tcot
.@RealDeanCain: Kashkari not only refused to answer my policy questions, he smeared me on the radio for asking. You support *that*, Dean?
.@AlwaysThinkHow @DeweyBueno: how to undercut Kashkari to *his fans*: I.e., his #immigration stance. #p2
NB: other than Myers' TARP question, I didn't watch #CADebate. I don't have to to know how weak it was.
.@FoxPhil: #CADebate is like #WWE: a fake match. Neither were asked real questions that'd put them on the spot. You're better than this.
Twitter has also "captured" my trademark and is libeling me to anyone who visits that account. #tcot #ows #teaparty
Even if they hate me (and some do), *no one* is going to support Twitter giving a 5+ year member the silent treatment. #tcot #ows #teaparty
.@delbius: 3 weeks, 3 support requests, & 1 FAX later, 24AheadDotCom is still suspended & Twitter hasn't said a word. Plz review.
.@ChrisTheNewsGuy: @johnmyers is a tool. If he really pressed Kash or Brown on #immigration, he'd be out of a job. #CADebate #tcot #ows #osf
.@newsbabe1530: as editor-in-chief of KFBK (whatever that is), shouldn't you instead call out Myers for asking wimpy questions? #CADebate
.@Philrung: doubleplus, Myers won't *press* either on things where they agree like #immigration. #CADebate is like WWE. #California #tcot
.@JohnDiazChron: @johnmyers is a puppet, asking weak questions that generate stock speeches. Compare: #CADebate
.@ewancwatt: CAP won't discuss how all those legalized illegal aliens moving up in job mkt will screw Americans. Guessing you don't care.
.@patrickoakford: that's a great report. But, I'm sure some nervous nellies will raise cavils. Are there any downsides to deferred action?
.@pattmlatimes: maybe you'd like heroin, how do you know? Why don't you and Maureen Dowd try it together? #LATimes #hat #hats #ows #tcot
Patt Morrisson: "I'm curious about what heroin would be like; that doesn't mean I'll be gratifying that curiosity". #LATimes #hat #hats #ows
.@SusanDadamo: #KFI will *never* call Kashkari on smearing me on #KMJ for asking him questions: @shannonfarren
.@jbonegetit: #KFI is in the bag for Kashkari, despite him being incapable of answering #immigration policy questions. #California #tcot
Why? Because Kashkari had an answer to "Sharia conference", and those like @ElectDonnelly aren't smart enough to ask follow-ups. #tcot #GOP
.@RINObuster: instead of "Sharia conference", plz just organize an effort to ask Kashkari my #immigration Q's:
.@MeanestBossEver: compare the wimpy Q's @johnmyers will ask Kashkari to the ones I asked: #immigration #KQED
.@carrieksada: plz ask @hughhewitt to cover Kashkari smearing me on the radio just for asking him questions: #CA
RT @good4politics: The honest principles of immigration from an honest #progressive // #uniteblue #ows #libcrib
.@David70BuickGSX: @DLoesch 's boss hands out "gift bags" to illegal aliens: She's Borg. #tcot #teaparty #sgp #gop
.@JayHosteo: Obama probably meant "immigrants' rights" & misspoke. I strongly suggest opposing him on things that are clear. #immigration
.@2tweetaboutit: e.g., find a very sharp attorney to use to discredit Milliband on video.
.@2tweetaboutit: to prevent future #Rotherham incidents, destroy the careers of leaders who helped it come about (Blair's helpers, MSM, etc)
.@RepMarcusHunter: thanks for the link to the Kleckley comments. I assume you oppose him on immigration, right?
.@Jeremypierre8: re: "Rep. Kleckley Addresses State Budget and Illegal Immigration", is there any link between #LA and #immigration???
.@dpinsen: amnesty fans rarely tell the truth. Yet, it continues. Those with megaphones like @MarkSKrikorian just can't seal the deal. #tcot
Hendrie is funny when his funny characters afflict the comfortable using satire. Not funny: Grey, rap, synth metal, bullying, etc. #radio
