
.@12voltman60: if pro-amnesty pols realize amnesty will harm their careers, they'll make sure Obama doesn't push amnesty. That's a fact.
.@12voltman60: if Coulter/Malkin/NumbersUSA threatened to use to discredit specific politicians amnesty goes away
.@12voltman60: @KausMickey could have stopped amnesty by making my plan happen. He put not helping me ahead of stopping amnesty.
.@Rima_Regas: which helps WalMart lower wages: 2 competitors for same job, or 5 competitors?
.@Rima_Regas: actually, WalMart has to pay prevailing wages or no one will work there. You help them skew the labor mkt to their advantage.
WashTimes asked if I played golf to read rest of article. If I ever touch a golf club it will be to hit a golfer in the head. #golf #tcot
I was inside the 99 Cents store when the car hit the pedestrians. Didn't know about it until I was driving away. #Glendale #teaparty #ows
The only things that keep Obama & the far-left afloat are the stupidity, corruption, and emotional issues of #teaparty #tcot & #GOP.
Me @ iSteve: SJWs are obviously smarter than anti-SJWs. Reply: you're an SJW! #QED
.@Rima_Regas: on amnesty, "right wing" is on side of American worker. NeoLiberal "liberals" like Obama are helping WalMart lower wages.
.@9975Ts: @electdonnelly would be incompetent even if he were given Honorary Dogcatcher of Arleta. He thinks California is Texas. #derp #gop
MT electdonnelly Don't you wish we could suspend #Obama for 6 months instead of just #BrianWilliams ? // Cuz his opposition is outmatched.
.@Conservamator: @NeelKashkari spent time smearing me a good candidate would have used to answer my questions:
MT neelkashkari Just saw AmericanSniper. Excellent movie. Don't understand critics who said it glorified war.
.@KPCCofframp: hey John Rabe, who benefits from an influx of brand new legal workers into the labor market? You're NeoLiberal, not liberal.
Only political party w/ a plank against charlatanry:
.@palmarino777: Obama wouldn't have been able to get away with it if his major opponents weren't incompetents and charlatans.
.@CAblond1: @NumbersUSA failed to stop DACA and failed to stop Obama's newest and larger amnesty. Do you want Obama to keep winning?
.@abusedtaxpayer: @NumbersUSA twice refused to do the only plan that would have stopped amnesty. Please don't enable charlatans.
.@12voltman60: @KausMickey could have stopped amnesty (ask me how) but refused. He's fake, just a trust fund baby seeking attention.
.@Lrihendry: CIS explicitly rejected the only plan that would have stopped amnesty. Please demand that @MarkSKrikorian does his job.
After Obama won, USA desperately needed a smart, big tent, pro-American opposition. Instead, we got the opposite: #Teaparty. #tcot #ows #p2
.@Rima_Regas: counting on lawsuits to stop amnesty would be extraordinarily foolish. Amnesty fans win 99% of the time. #tcot #teaparty #gop
.@CrybabyRivers: however bad Obama is, his incompetent opponents are much worse: they've been unable to stop any of his plans. #teaparty
Obama: "the immigrants’ rights organizations have done an excellent job". And, obviously, their opponents haven't. Blame #Teaparty & #tcot.
.@AmPowerBlog: since you hyped #Murrieta street protests & they did no good, don't you have any guilt? Isn't it time to do things right?
.@jackaberlin: if you think reason for Big Biz supporting mass immigration is a "better, more just country", I'm w/ the Bank of Nigeria.
.@MGliksmanMDPhD: would fewer people die if potential asylum seekers realized Australia would turn them away?
.@jackaberlin: why do WalMart, USChamber, the Fed, the MX govt, etc. etc. all support the same things? What do they hope to gain?
Why's there this belt on Anita Sarkeesian's Sharpie? #Patriarchy #tcot #gop #libcrib #ows #GamerGate
Every 1000th viewer of Law & Order SVU on #GamerGate receives a Chola Makeup Kit & a lumberjack shirt. #Patriarchy #tcot #gop #libcrib #ows
"They leveled up". Possibly the most powerful Law & Order SVU ever, about #GamerGate: #Patriarchy #tcot #gop #ows
.@shirleycolleen: @NumbersUSA & @wwwcisorg could have stopped amnesty, but both explicitly refused to do it. They're fake, don't be fooled.
.@MGliksmanMDPhD: cor blimey, an MD *and* a PhD? You must be smart. Question: do people drown trying to reach your country?
.@filthyliberals: why's @rcooley123 hyping a *libertarian* - aka Koch - study? Curious, isn't it?
It's Cody! #FatAndBack #DualSurvival #teaparty #tcot #ows #uniteblue
Joe is spearing and will expertly prepare a fugu fish. #FatAndBack #DualSurvival #teaparty #tcot #ows #uniteblue
Sabrina from #BreakingAmish on her "v" thing: #FatAndBack #DualSurvival #teaparty #tcot #ows #uniteblue
.@jackaberlin: your reply has zero content. Do you dispute anything I've tweeted you? Do you dispute the Koch bros want more immigration?
.@Butch1717: to be brutally honest, because #GOP and Dem leadership are smarter than #Teaparty leaders.
Tip: in a real survival situation, you won't have a helicopter catering in mussels au vin like Matt and Joe were provided. #DualSurvival
Good thinking by Matt, making a signaling mirror. Exactly what I was thinking. #Dual Survival #FatAndBack #tcot #teaparty #ows
Joe and Matt are looking for what Cody would call a "hueco". #DualSurvival #JoeAndCodyAndMatt #FatAndBack #tcot #teaparty #ows
.@KTHopkins can gain 42lbs, lose 42lbs, gain it back, lose it again. She'll still be English. #FatAndBack #DualSurvival #tcot #teaparty #ows
The most unambiguous #immigration plank ever: #tcot #ows #gop
.@MathewsJeanne @RosemarieJarvi1: Kaus is fake: he has no interest in actually stopping amnesty. Amnesty gives him something to write about.
.@HonestConservat: @MarkSKrikorian is fake: He could have stopped amnesty but refused. Please don't be fooled.
.@prgalvan: @RoyBeck_NUSA could have stopped amnesty, but refused to do it. He and NumbersUSA are just in it for the paychecks.
.@Tea_Alliance: @NumbersUSA blew $1,000,000 on ads that had zero impact on amnesty, refused to spend $0 actually stopping amnesty.
.@yeselson: @KausMickey chose not to help stop amnesty. He's just an entertainer, he has no interest in actually solving problems.
.@rodsandguitars: you tell that "reporter guy"! #yeehaw #teaparty #tcot #drunkatendofbar #ows #uniteblue" #TEAPARTY #TEAPARTY #TEAPARTY
#Teaparty is Jack Chick, with Obama replacing Mormon Catholic Mason Papists. #AmishMafia #tcot #p2
#Teaparty is the political equivalent of A Loving Tribute to Jack Chick. #AmishMafia #tcot #p2
#Teaparty combines
It looks like Lebanon Levi was trying this plan against Tom Corbett: #AmishMafia #tcot #p2 #TEAPARTY
#Teaparty failed to stop the #Stimulus: they weren't smart enough. Failed to stop Obamacare: they weren't smart enough. Etc. etc. etc. #tcot
.@Butch1717: #Teaparty has achieved *nothing* for most Americans. All the things they whine about Obama doing they could have stopped. #tcot
She deserves better than someone who wears camo to a baby shower: #BreakingAmish #AmishMafia #teaparty #tcot #ows
Something about Sabrina from #BreakingAmish does it for me. #BreakingAmish #AmishMennoniteGangWar #AmishMafia #teaparty #tcot #ows
MT @Weatherman_Dan Esther from amish mafia in real life. Oh
Amish vs Mennonite gang war. I'm with the Mennonites because Sabrina from #BreakingAmish was Mennonite. #AmishMafia #teaparty #tcot #ows
My poliical platform in a nutshell: down with SCrowder, up with Blerta: #teaparty #tcot #uniteblue #ows
Obama hyping vid by @LenaDunham is crossing a cultural Rubicon. SCrowder & other r/w grifters could care less. #teaparty #tcot #uniteblue
Any time before 2008, it'd be unimaginable for a U.S. president to promote someone who's famous only for stripping on cable TV. #teaparty
scrowder vid about Dunham basically called her a moocher. That's rich, considering her family has more $ & connections than 95% of #teaparty
.@scrowder: I'm adding your Lena Dunham vid to my platform: In a "don't do things this way" sense. #tcot #teaparty
In the only Parks & Rec ep I watched, @nick_offerman & @smrtgrls were locked in a room. If I were him I would've banged the crap out of her.
RT scrowder Anyone else catching up on this season of Parks and Rec? Not sure how I feel about the new dynamic.// No. #tcot #teaparty #ows
.@sargef1: you're tired of constantly losing to Obama. So, demand that his opposition leaders do this:
.@sargef1: hate to break it to you, but Obama gets away with it because his opponents are so very incompetent.
.@SkePatt: Ted Cruz's solution to amnesty was a petition. I hate to break it to you, but that didn't stop Obama's amnesty, did it?
.@Assoc7: @MarkSKrikorian refused to stop amnesty: Please challenge him on his dereliction of duty.
.@Kegan05: Obama's winning & we're losing. He's the opposite of a fool. When you want to change things, do this:
MT @Kegan05 Obama “Hopeful” Immigration Will Drown Conservatism... MORE COMMIECRAT VOTERS IS NO EXCUSE 4 SCREWING R NATION,U FOOL!// #derp
"What Obama and #GOP leadership do on #immigration makes me so mad!! I'm too dumb to do something smart about it, but I will whine however".
.@sargef1: it takes two to tango, and clearly Obama is much, much smarter than his opponents. He gets what he wants because of them.
"Cinnamon?? I thought Frank Bates said Cinnabun would cure my diabetes!" #tcot #gop #ows #uniteblue #TEAPARTY
June 2015: "Hello Patriots, this is @JennyBethM for CureDiabetesWithCinnamon4Patriots77 dot com...." #tcot #gop #ows #uniteblue
.@Butch1717: e.g., #Teaparty "Patriots" made a movie about the border. It had zero impact on amnesty.
.@Butch1717: #GOP leadership is bad on amnesty, but that means #Teaparty needs to step into the gap and stop amnesty. They didn't.
.@TrinWalks: if you demanded NumbersUSA does their job and held them accountable, that might result in your vote counting.
.@TrinWalks: I wasn't insulting you so much as stating facts. @NumbersUSA *are* charlatans: they could have stopped amnesty but refused.
.@jerrydoyle: very smart way to stop amnesty: Will you help with that?
.@FoxNewsMom: Frere's group refused to use the only plan that would have stopped amnesty: Ask him about it.
MT @RedNationRising: Texas Court Expected To Block President Barack Obama’s Illegal Amnesty// 1 down, 49 to go! #idiocracy #teaparty #tcot
.@KevinPriceLive: the link I sent you - - has nothing to do with a petition. It's a very smart plan, read it through.
.@Ross_7_7: I remember some guys who loved mass #immigration. They were called the Koch bros & USChamber. @pari_passu = useful idiot. #ows
.@countenanceblog: no thanks, I do my debating in public. Tell me again: when did #Teaparty stop amnesty?
.@rowdy_tt: another thing #Teaparty does is run away when called on their BS. Thanks for illustrating yet another reason to oppose them.
.@rowdy_tt: this is how to get unemployed working: All Angle would do is turn her back.
.@BurgerBoy41 @TrinWalks: your vote doesn't count, largely because you follow charlatans like NumbersUSA.
.@batchboy999: NumbersUSA wants your money, they don't really care about stopping amnesty. They rejected the only plan that woulda worked.
.@brianpirlo: @NumbersUSA rejected the only plan that would have stopped Obama's amnesties. Don't be duped. @Azzmadors_Lair
.@rowdy_tt: do you deny #IAmThe53 happened: ? #tcot #gop #TEAPARTY
.@rowdy_tt: par example, do you deny @sharronangle said this: ? P.S. See
♬ Jordi Savall - Mariam Matrem Virginem: #NowPlaying #MusicSunday #teaparty #tcot #ows #uniteblue
.@jackaberlin: can you name even one major corporation that opposes Obama on #immigration?
Radio ad with Mike Huckabee promotes the cinnamon diabetes cure. From the "Frank Bates"/Power4Patriots scammer. #FoxNews #ho #TEAPARTY #ows
If #Teaparty were smart and pro-American, they wouldn't be #Teaparty. It's like asking Vicente Fox or GWB. #immigration #tcot #gop #ows
There's no logical reason to keep trying to get #Teaparty to help actually stop amnesty: their mental & emotional issues prevent that. #tcot
