Incompetent Donald Trump data points: Miss Universe 1996 and Monica Lewinsky
Here are yet two more examples of Donald Trump's gross incompetence:
1. Trump is bringing up the issue of Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and related topics. For instance, by offering to invite Gennifer Flowers to the debate that was held on Monday, September 26. Since nearly everyone in the U.S. already knows about and has an opinion about those decades-old issues, one wonders what Trump thinks he stands to gain. How many people are incensed about how Bill and Hillary treated Monica and the rest? To the GOP it's always been about using that issue to undercut the Clintons because of their policy positions, and even most in the Trump base surely understand that. How many Clinton supporters are going to say "you know, I was going to vote for Hillary but now that Trump has raised those decades-old issues I'm rethinking things"? Won't this make many Clinton supporters more likely to vote for her, if they aren't happy about the "VRWC" up to their old tricks?
2. Perhaps even dumber than that, Trump has been engaged in a battle of halfwits with Alicia Machado, Miss Universe from 1996. The details are completely unimportant, because the whole issue is completely unimportant. When asked about the issue, all Trump had to say was something like this:
"I'm not going to dredge up a meaningless side issue that happened almost two decades ago. I want to discuss the present and the future, and in the present Hillary supports an anti-American bill that would harm American students. I challenge Hillary to explain why she thinks it's acceptable to harm American students. When will you, [Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, George Stephanopoulos, etc.], ask her about supporting an anti-American bill?"
If Don Lemon/Jake Tapper/George Stephanopoulos/etc. persisted, Trump could keep pivoting into real issues and Hillary's huge vulnerabilities on immigration policy. If they finally decided to talk policy and disputed what the DREAM Act would do, Trump can use the arguments at the last link to show them wrong. By doing that, Trump would have minimized any damage done to him by Miss Universe from 1996, would put Hillary on the defensive, and would also show TV show hosts wrong.
Instead of doing that, Trump has been prolonging the Machado story all week. Just this morning he tweeted "Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?" [1]. What exact goal does that serve?
Trump is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, the fake wrestling group. WWE is his model: it's all about putting on a show and getting your name in the papers. It's all about Trump, not about helping the USA by challenging Hillary and the media over their support for anti-American bills.
Related: the immigration speech Donald Trump should have given.
[1] twitter . com/realDonaldTrump/status/781788223055994880