cnbc: Page 1
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Trump can't figure out a key way Congress would undermine his "wall" - 01/26/18
One key way "Trump Wall" would fail is if Congress neglects upkeep. Trump, as always, can't think ahead and plan for what Congress - almost all of which supports loose borders - would do.
Speaking to Joe Kernen of CNBC on his trip to Davos, Switzerland, Trump said among other things this (link):
Trump promotes "comprehensive immigration reform" in Silicon Valley meeting [UPDATED] - 06/19/17
From [1]:
Timothy D. Cook of Apple, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Satya Nadella of Microsoft and Eric Schmidt of Alphabet were among 18 tech executives and investors... who attended [a] four-hour afternoon session [at the White House to discuss technology issues]...
...Brad Smith, Microsoftβs president, said on Twitter that the company made the case "for why healthy high-skilled immigration and investments in education are good for the country."
Austerity billionaire Peter Peterson promotes high immigration too - 10/30/12
Peter Peterson is a billionaire who's spent close to $500 million pushing austerity measures such as cutting entitlements [1]. Together with the Koch family, his millions have played a major role in the rightwing's near total obsession with spending and debt.
CNBC Republican Presidential Debate November 9, 2011 (Detroit, GOP, Romney, Cain, Perry, Ron Paul, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum) - 11/09/11
Tonight CNBC is conducting yet another in a very long line of worthless debates, this time a GOP debate in Detroit in conjunction with Oakland University. Feel free to leave comments below before, during or after the debate. This post will be updated after a transcript becomes available.
Lou Dobbs kept off CNBC due in part to pressure from racial power groups? - 12/05/09
Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress offers "Report: CNBC Was Considering Hiring Dobbs Until Latino Groups Pushed Back" ( Neither she nor those in her general sphere are that credible and would want to inflate their power as much as possible, so take this with a large grain of salt:
(National Hispanic Media Coalition) President Alex Nogales told ThinkProgress today that CNBC was in fact talking with (Lou Dobbs) and that his hiring was, at least in part, thwarted by the same coalition of Latino, civil rights, and media-watchdog groups that successfully...
Carl Quintanilla of CNBC promotes irresponsible behavior, bad public policy (Today Show) - 06/16/09
On yesterday's Today Show, CNBC anchor Carl Quintanilla offered a highly sympathetic report on a mixed-status family: the father and children are U.S. citizens, the mother is a former illegal alien now living in Mexico. As could be expected, Quintanilla puts his ethnicity ahead of proper public policy and support for the concept of personal responsibility. The text report is entitled "Families Torn Apart by Immigration" (link):
None of this changes the fact that these families, in most cases, broke the law. And anti-immigration advocates argue the U.S. isn't tearing families apart. The law is...
"Tea Parties": an astroturfed Koch family movement (FreedomWorks, Instapundit, Rick Santelli) - 02/28/09
Now I know why Rick Santelli disgusts me: the "Tea Party" stimulus protests may be an astroturfed project of the wealthy Koch Family (called "the Kochtopus", see this).
Rick Santelli is enough to make me a Democrat - 02/22/09
Reading how Los Angeles wants to spend their stimulus money and the rest brought out my inner Republican. Watching the videos featuring CNBC reporter Rick Santelli (link, link) brought out my inner Democrat. They're now fighting each other as my id watches from the sidelines.
World Economic Forum (Davos) pushing global governance, global TV, Law of Sea Treaty - 01/27/09
The World Economic Forum will be meeting in Davos starting on the 28th, and see this for all the details on one of their key documents as well as the media sources that haven't disclosed the fact that they're sponsors as well as much, much more. Here's a snippet:
"The Global Agenda 2009" report says that "sovereign states do not adequately address problems reaching across borders" and that "international taxation" may be needed to generate the "additional resources" for "global governance... ...As current global governance problems come from market failures, sovereign failures and...