transtexas corridor
transtexas corridor: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Immigration and Texas governor Rick Perry: a summary - 08/11/11
Tom Tancredo has a summary of Texas governor Rick Perry and immigration (link). All sixteen paragraphs point out ways in which Perry supports or enables illegal immigration, here are just the first five:
TransTexas Corridor still exists, just renamed "Innovative Connectivity in Texas" - 01/18/09
On January 6, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced that the TransTexas Corridor had been scrapped. But - as even they admit - what they actually meant was that they were doing little more than scrapping the name, breaking the TTC out into individual projects with apparently individual proposals, and scaling back a few things.
Ron Kirk, Obama's U.S. Trade Representive? (supported "NAFTA freeway") - 12/19/08
Barack Obama is apparently considering naming former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk as U.S. Trade Representative. Kirk is a strong NAFTA booster while Obama has only pretended not to be one. During the campaign, Obama played a cute game: pretending to want to "renegotiate" NAFTA, only to later admit that he'd been misleading. With Kirk, at least what they want to do is a bit more out in the open.
Around March 12, 2001, Dino Chiecci of the Associated Press included this in "Meeting of Minds/Governors agree on Dallas trade center" (PDF link):
Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk said โ75 percent of goods that move...
Trans-Texas Corridor to extend south into Mexico - 09/10/07
From this:
Official Mexican government reports reveal Mexico has entered discussions with the state of Texas and top officials in the Bush administration to extend the Trans-Texas Corridor into Mexico, with a plan to connect through Monterrey to the deep-water Mexican ports on the Pacific, including Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas.
Texas governor Rick Perry opposes border fence, in Mexico - 08/28/07
Texas governor Rick Perry - supporter of the Trans-Texas Corridor - said lots of things on a trip to Mexico today:
..."I don't think [immigration "reform"] is that difficult of an issue if Congress would have the maturity to sit down and really discuss it and cut out all of the mean rhetoric and really talk about what is a solution to this issue," Perry told a news conference.
Macquarie buys Texas newspaper chain (Trans-Texas Corridor) - 01/28/07
Macquarie is an Australian conglomerate that has interests in U.S. toll roads, including one in Indiana that it co-owns with the Spanish conglomerate Cintra.
Trans Texas Corrider master plan released - 09/29/06
From this:
State transportation officials say that, with the expected approval today of a master plan on the Trans-Texas Corridor's Interstate 35 twin, they can now release previously confidential documents that have sparked a lawsuit and played a prominent role in the governor's race.
Rick Perry on immigration, Trans-Texas Corridor - 07/19/06
There's an interview here where he's asked about those questions. However, I was unable to get their video player to work, so I don't know how he responded.
Trans-Texas Corridor: "there's something wrong going on in Texas" - 09/16/05
I-NAFTA is rolling right along, but some plucky Americans are trying to put up some roadblocks:
Trans-Texas Corridor critics denounced the state's handling of the project on Tuesday and called on McLennan County residents to organize against the proposed transportation network.
Gov. Rick Perry's vision of the Trans-Texas Corridor - 08/26/05
Texas' Republican Gov. Rick Perry wants to build a massive scar across that state called the "Trans-Texas Corridor". It would consist of roads, railway lines, and energy transport pipelines and, in some places, it would be one-quarter of a mile wide.
Dueling over a scar - 02/09/05
The TransTexas Corridor appears to be closer to reality:
AUSTIN - Farmers oppose it, metro area officials are upset about it and now state lawmakers have their own concerns about the Trans Texas Corridor, Gov. Rick Perry's $184 billion plan to build megahighways around the state.
A quarter-mile scar across the Texas landscape - 01/05/05
Say hello to the Trans-Texas Corridor (link):
In what sounds like another tall tale told by a Texan, the state has embarked on an audacious project to build superhighways so big and so complex that they will make ordinary interstates look like cow paths.